Page 40 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 40

Interview with
              Christian L. Stahr

              Kulturansvarlig/Director of Culture
              Sjømannskirken in New York / Norwegian Seamen's Church in New York

                               Christian L. Stahr is a famous musician,  I also became interested in theater when
                               pianist, and orchestrator responsible for  I was younger, seeing the musical Les
                               promoting Norwegian art and culture to  Miserables in London during a family trip
                               New Yorkers. It is not an easy task, so he  in 1997. My sister and I did not want to see
                               is always a very busy man. We were lucky  the show, but my parents insisted that we
                               to meet him in New York earlier this year,   go since they spent lots of money on those
                               and he found time to answer our numerous   tickets but told us we could leave in the
                               questions. So now the floor is yours,  intermission. But when the interval came,
                               Christian.                             I was waiting for the 2nd act to start. The
                                                                      combination of that fantastic music and
                               Q: You are a composer, pianist, and    story, seeing the conductor, and watching
                               orchestrator. Please tell us a little about  those incredible actors left a massive
                               yourself.                              impression on me.
                               I grew up in Sarpsborg, playing the piano at
                               age five and the trumpet in a marching band   So years later, when I was studying
                               the year after. I was very interested in music   Musicology at the University of Oslo, I
                               from early on, listening and playing my toy   wanted to learn more about writing music
                               guitar to "Børud gjengen", and watching all   for the theater. I couldn't find any schools in
                               the marching bands in the May 17th parade   the Scandinavian countries, but one school
                               past my grandfather's house. He gave me a   popped up during my web search, Tisch
                               wooden fruit box he turned upside down so   School of the Arts at New York University.
                               I could use it as a drum and play along with   They had a 2-year MFA program called
                               the music.                             Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program,
                                                                      which was exactly what I was looking for. But

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