Page 42 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 42

of 2015 and on tour with "Den kulturelle  Q: How do you manage to converge your
                               skolesekken" in 2016. The show became part   creative work with your work in the church?
                               of Norway's first musical theater festival  I use any opportunity to do my work, either
                               "Musikaliteten" in 2017.               writing a musical piece or orchestrating
                                                                      for others. But for six years, I collaborated
                               Q: You are now living in Brooklyn, a place   with actress and writer Hilde Skappel. We
                               where many Norwegian immigrants used to   started practicing together in the Trygve
                               live. Why did you choose to live there? Was   Lie Gallery (a great grand piano there) and
                               it on purpose or simply by coincidence?  then moved on to writing songs for the
                               The summer before I started my studies  church employees that were moving back
                               at Tisch School of the Arts, I had to find a   to Norway. During our writing sessions, we
                               place to stay, and I randomly ended up in  also realized we had lots of shared ideas for
                               Clinton Hill in Brooklyn. I fell in love with   musicals, and we started working on several
                               Brooklyn, and when my girlfriend, now  stories. In February 2019, Hilde organized a
                               wife, was moving from North Carolina to  charity concert at the Norwegian Seamen's
                               New York, we were looking for a place in  Church for the organization "Dråpen i
                               Brooklyn. We ended up moving into an   havet" ("A Drop in the Ocean"), where lots
                               apartment in Park Slope, and to this day,  of her artist friends participated. We wrote
                               we love our neighborhood. It's lovely to  the theme song for the concert, "A Drop in
                               come home to Brooklyn after working in  the ocean." Sadly, in the summer of 2019,
                               Manhattan  all  day.                   Hilde passed away. During the beginning of
                                                                      the pandemic in 2020, I wanted to record
                               Q: Today, you are also in charge of the  the song, so I got in touch with many of
                               cultural  activities  in  the  Norwegian  our musician friends who all wanted to
                               Seamen's church in New York, notably the  participate in a virtual recording. You can
                               Trygve Lie Gallery. What does this involve?  find the music on my website and Youtube.
                               We have a lovely gallery in the basement of   After Hildes' passing, it was hard to do much
                               the church called Trygve Lie Gallery, named   creative work. I still have several projects
                               after the Norwegian Trygve Lie, the first  we started, which are half-written, which I
                               Secretary-General of the United Nations.  would love to finish one day.
                               The gallery is open to Norwegian-American
                               artists who want to promote their work to a   Q: Do you have any projects in the U.S.? If
                               New York audience. We are fully booked for   people would like to listen to your music or
                               the next year, with Norwegian artists living   attend an event, what can they do?
                               in Norway and the U.S. will show their  On my website,, you
                               fantastic work.                        can get updates on my work and find links
                               We currently have an exhibit by artist Jome   to my music on Spotify, Apple Music, or
                               Feoca called "Tayo. Oss". It's open during  Youtube, as well as purchase sheet music
                               our regular opening hours (Wed-Sat 12-4  if you are interested in playing some of my
                               pm/Sun 10 am-2 pm).                    piano compositions.

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