Page 37 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 37

work in the fields, or even take care of the   are planning to give up using their equip-
               grandchildren.                         ment. We are trying to set up a kind of sub-
                                                      group to deal with this. We are renting a
               Q; Do we really understand how important   small box where we keep this second-hand
               cataracts and other eye ailments can be?  equipment, and then we put everything into
               Cataracts are the first cause of blindness and   a container for shipping. We always make
               represent 40 percent of all the cases in de-  sure, before sending off this equipment, that
               veloping countries. In France, this ailment  the receiver will use it well, that it’s a seri-
               represents only 3 to 4 percent, because it is   ous undertaking. There is always a risk of
               diagnosed much earlier, when it can be eas-  corruption, and we do not want this thing
               ily treated. In France there are other pathol-  to happen.
               ogies, more serious ones, such as glaucoma,
               which represent a lower percentage in the  For instance, we always go to a place on an
               field, as people afflicted with them have  investigative mission to see if it is reliable
               shorter life expectancy.               and if the “funds” we are going to “invest”
                                                      are going to make a difference. Usually, we
               Q: Going back to your association, how do   go two or three at the same time to study
               you finance your activities?           the conditions on the ground. We look into
               Basically, the association functions with  all imaginable details. Each time, we do the
               donations. It was set up in 2017, and now  ground work thoroughly because the foun-
               we are about twenty ophthalmologists and  dations have to be solid.
               surgeons and a person working in the Red
               Cross. He is helping us with administra-  We have worked quite a lot in Morocco
               tive issues. We are all volunteers; nobody  where we have brought with us our exper-
               receives any kind of remuneration.  From  tise and taught technical subjects. We go
               time to time, ophthalmologists going into  to the Comoros, where there are several is-
               retirement donate their equipment, and we   lands. We try to have somebody on each of
               pass it on. We are always interested in get-  the three islands, and we try to go there on
               ting in touch with ophthalmologists who  a regular basis to do the follow-up. We are

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