Page 33 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 33

The popular varieties included Gala Red,
               Schinco Red, Jeromnie, Red Chief, Red
               Velox, and Scarlet which have mostly been
               imported from Italy.

               CA Storage Capacity increased from 1.70
               LMT to 2.00 LMT during the year. Three
               new CA Stores were approved by SLEC and
               forwarded to the government of India for
               sanction. 15 new Nurseries are being es-
               tablished in the private sector including04
               Walnut Nurseries and 3 HiTech nurseries.
               Among all States /UTs, Jammu and Kashmir
               has been ranked 3rd in monthly income to
               Agriculture households and 5th best per-
               forming State /UT in Agriculture & Allied
               sector. More than a million beneficiaries
               from J&K received direct financial sup-
               port of Rs. 1983.29 crores during the last
               three years under the PM-Kisan scheme. 12
               lakh farmers have been issued Kisan Credit
               Cards (KCC). Out of this 9.46 lakh KCC are
               live/operative in UT of J&K .

               Under National Saffron Mission, irrigation
               infrastructure with a sprinkler system con-
               nected to 126 deep Bore wells has been cre-
               ated. An area of 2598.75 Ha of land stands
               rejuvenated as of date. The implementation   tablished two J&K Seed and Organic Cer-
               of the National Mission on Saffron has en-  tification agencies, one each in Jammu and
               sured a substantial increase in crop yields  Kashmir Divisions. More so, the govern-
               from 1.88 kg per hectare to 4.50 kg per  ment also facilitated the opening of Offices
               hectare which has ultimately doubled the  of APEDA and LULU Groups in the Kash-
               income of Saffron Growers. The J&K Gov-  mir Division and APEDA in the Jammu
               ernment has successfully got the G.I tag-  Division.
               ging for Saffron and Basmati for effective
               domestic and international marketing.  Action-oriented policies of the government
                                                      are bringing ground-breaking and struc-
               The registration for G.I tagging for Gu-  tural transformation in the agriculture and
               chhi (Morchella), Solai Honey, Rajmash  horticulture sectors in J&K and thus con-
               (Red Beans), and Muskhbudji is also in  tributing towards economic growth, and
               the pipeline. It will promote the econom-  employment creation in the Union Territo-
               ic prosperity of the farmers by enhancing  ry. Moreover, the income of farmers is in-
               their demand in National and International   creasing and they are becoming job provid-
               Markets. The J&K government has also es-  ers rather than job seekers.

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