Page 29 - DIVA_4_2022
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Their background and experience, not least  it is difficult to find the right strategies. It
               their caring functions, may have given them   is also important to discuss what our own
               different perspectives, alternative visions and   contribution to world peace should be.
               methodological approaches. Women may
               thereby have distinct contributions to make  It seems obvious that we cannot continue to
               to the traditionally male-dominated and  misuse the world’s resources, both financial
               male-defined political scene. Research shows   and intellectual, for military purposes
               that women tend to give political priority  Additionally, this excessive military spending
               to education, health, social development  cannot provide the security we want. The
               and solidarity and that peace agreements  military actually makes us less safe, both
               last longer when women have been party to   economically and environmentally, by taking
               the process. Probably the world would be  so much of the resources that are needed
               different – more just and peaceful – with  for other purposes and by the enormous
               better gender balance in governance at  greenhouse gas emissions, the radiation and
               different levels. The Covid-19 pandemic has  pollution it creates. The military must not
               in several ways weakened the situation of girls   be allowed to continue to be an exception
               and women. Fighting these injustices is vital   to international climate agreements and
               also to world peace. Presently we need, more   continue to make very heavy boot prints
               urgently perhaps than at any time, to develop   on the soil, the water, the air and even the
               a true feminist foreign policy and get out of   atmosphere. Existing military forces should
               the one-eyed patriarchal power-structures  instead be converted and retrained to fight
               still dominating international politics.  the global climate and environmental crisis,
                                                      which warrants urgent remedial actions.
               Q: Finally, what can be done, concretely,
               to promote peace, and how do you see the  War is obsolete and should never be
               evolution of our society given what appear  an option. It kills and maims, destroys
               to be grim prospects?                  infrastructure and livelihoods and sends
                                                      millions on the run. With the blatant failures
               Your question requires a longer answer than   of militarized “security” in meeting any of
               space allows, and it is, indeed, not easy to  the major challenges, and actually making
               avoid being overwhelmed by the multiple,  them worse, the needs of people, not least
               existential crises facing humanity, such as  for food and health security, for human
               i) a fast-growing inequality with millions  security and common security, must be
               of people on the run from poverty, hunger  prioritized. The common security concept
               and war, ii) looming and threatening climate   was outlined for example by the Palme
               and environmental catastrophes and iii)  Commission 40 years back and reiterated in
               the threat of nuclear weapons, ever more  the excellent report Common Security 2022:
               potent and easier to use. Pessimism and  For our Shared Future by the IPB, the ITUC
               apathy will take us nowhere, and we cannot   and the International Olof Palme Centre. It
               allow the destruction of humanity and our  insists on the importance of realising that
               beautiful planet. There is no alternative to  nobody is safe unless everybody is safe, an
               involvement and to being solution-oriented.  experience also brought home in the context
                                                      of the covid-19 pandemic.
               One meaningful step, on an individual
               level, could be to engage with and support  Instead of the old patriarchal model of
               a peace organisation, participate actively in   economic growth, militarism, competition
               meetings and webinars, read enlightening  and confrontation, with warfare over
               books and seek knowledge beyond political   welfare, which risks ultimately leading to
               posturing, propaganda and mainstream   apocalypse, we acutely need to restart a
               information channels.                  disarmament process, including eliminating
                                                      nuclear arms, and instead build trust and
               It is important both to try to have a holistic   international solidarity. The United Nations/
               approach to the challenges confronting  UNESCO culture of peace concept was
               us and a long term perspective. Without a  groundbreaking and a blueprint for an
               vision of what kind of society we would  alternative security policy and should be
               like to have in 20 years, 30 years, 50 years,  relaunched.

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