Page 24 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 24

A peace activist and peace educator

              Interview with
              Ingeborg Breines,

              consultant and former Vice-President
              of the International Peace Bureau

                               In Norway, Ms Breines does not need any  perhaps to help everybody, not least boys
                               introduction, for she has long been an  and men, to learn to tackle disagreements
                               active member of civil society. Let us briefly   and conflicts in non-violent ways.
                               mention that she is a consultant and former
                               co-president of the International Peace  The United Nations Agenda for Sustainable
                               Bureau, former director of UNESCO and  Development (2016 – 2030), with its
                               director of the Norwegian Commission   17   universally  accepted  Sustainable
                               for UNESCO. We were curious to learn   Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved
                               more about her different activities as she  by all the countries of the world, sees
                               is a famous peace activist in Norway and a   peace, human rights and development as a
                               faithful reader of Diva. So, now let us leave   comprehensive whole. SDG 16 on building
                               the floor to Ingeborg Breines          peaceful societies, justice and functioning
                                                                      institutions is of particular importance in
                               Q: You are a peace educator. Could you please   this context. SDG 4.7 is likewise important,
                               tell us more about what such a job involves?  not least in order to try to counter the
                               To teach peace and non-violent conflict  ongoing, growing and sometimes aggressive
                               resolution can, and should, be done much  militarization of the mind, in schools, in
                               more, in the regular school system as well  universities and through mass media. It
                               as outside – through organisations, training   reads: “By 2030, ensure that all learners
                               courses and ways of living. I am not a  acquire the knowledge and skills needed
                               professional peace educator, but spend most   to  promote  sustainable  development,
                               of my time as a retired international civil  including, among others, through education
                               servant promoting, on a voluntary basis, the   for sustainable development and sustainable
                               vision of a culture of peace, as developed by   lifestyles, human rights, gender equality,
                               UNESCO and in cooperation with different   promotion of a culture of peace and non‐
                               peace organisations and peace activists.  violence, global citizenship and appreciation
                                                                      of cultural diversity and of culture’s
                               Peace education is at the core of UNESCO’s   contribution to sustainable development.”
                               mandate.  A  humanistic  approach  to
                               education  is  echoed  in  the  report,  UNESCO   has  developed   important
                               Education for the 21 Century. Learning the   normative instruments on peace education,
                               Treasure Within, which outlines four main  and Member States must, for example, report
                               educational goals: learning to be, learning  every fourth year on their implementation
                               to learn, learning to do and learning to  of the 1974 Recommendation Concerning
                               live together. Learning to live peacefully  Education for International Understanding,
                               together is considered as basic as literacy.  Cooperation and Peace and Education
                               Unfortunately most school systems today  Relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
                               encourage competition and prepare for  Freedom. This reporting mechanism is
                               hierarchical structures, instead of training  gaining importance also in connection with
                               in cooperation and mutual understanding.  the implementation of SDG 4, Target 7.
                               Besides disarmament and demilitarization,
                               one of the biggest challenges today is  Education is vital in the quest for a culture

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