Page 27 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 27

feel marginalized and disempowered when,
               for example, owing to the globalization
               process, they do not, in the same way as before,
               inherit work from their fathers and dominant
               positions in the family and in society These
               reactions might lead to domestic violence,
               violence in schools or in the street, adherence
               to extremist gangs and sects, or wanting to
               join institutions which may use force, such
               as the police and the military. Some groups
               of men can become risk factors, both to
               themselves and to society at large.

               Many men suffer from the straight jacket
               that  hegemonic,  outdated  and  toxic
               masculinity models impose on them with
               their insistence on expectations to be the
               breadwinner, “over-decisive”, forceful, non-
               emotional, aggressive etc. Given the existing
               gender imbalances, it is important that men,
               who to a large extent remain the power
               brokers, participate actively in developing
               equal partnerships and reducing the use of
               violence and force.

               Q:  You  have  been  involved  in  the  Peace Research Institute/SIPRI]. Eight days
               International Peace Bureau. These days,  of world military expenditure would be
               there is a war going on right here in Europe,   enough to provide 12 years of free quality
               and we wonder why we do not see huge   education to all the children of the world!
               peace demonstrations, and a very active  It seems obvious that without a serious
               civil society. What has happened?      reduction in military spending, it will not be
               The International Peace Bureau is the oldest,   possible to implement either the Sustainable
               functioning, international peace organisation   Development Goals or the Paris agreement
               with member organizations and individual  on climate. Disarm to Develop, remains an
               members in more than 70 countries. It was  important IPB goal.
               founded in 1891 to coordinate the work of
               the world’s national peace associations. The  Neither the IPB nor other international
               IPB has as its long-term goal a world without   peace organisations are inactive in the
               war. The IPB got the Nobel Peace Prize back   present situation with war also in Europe.
               in 1910, and 13 of its leaders have gotten the   The Covid-19 pandemic has, however, to a
               prize in their personal capacity. However,  large extent kept people out of the streets.
               much work remains to be done!          Discussions, manifestations and networking
                                                      have been channelled through social media
               The IPB has constantly been questioning  and webinars, as well as through messages
               priorities based on might and force and has   and letters to the United Nations and to
               for several years called for regular annual  the warring parties with suggestions for
               reallocations from the military budgets of all   diplomatic solutions to the conflict. The
               states, concretized for example in appeals to   space left for freedom of expression has been
               countries to reduce their military spending   seriously limited by the war in Ukraine,
               by 10% per year over the 15 years of the  which has brought us back to the black and
               United Nations Agenda for Sustainable  white thinking of George W. Bush when he
               Development (2016-2030). Today, the world   proclaimed in relation to “the war against
               spends more than 2 trillion dollars a year on   terror”: “You are either with us or with the
               the military, which is more than 600 yearly,   terrorists.” It is not obvious either how to
               regular United Nations budgets. [See yearly   effectively fight fake news and propaganda.
               reports of the Stockholm International  We need in any case to stop looking at “the

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