Page 25 - DIVA_4_2022
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of peace. With close to 800 million illiterates
               in the world and a post-pandemic growing
               number of out-of-school children, we are
               far from providing the right to relevant,
               quality education for all. There is also an
               enormous gap in the resources we use for
               the prestigious military academies and what
               we use for peace education, helping students
               learn the tools of non-violent conflict
               resolution. Teachers are the linchpins of any
               educational system. The status and working
               conditions of teachers are important for the
               education of future generations. Integrating
               peace education in teacher training is a must.

               The UNESCO Associated Schools Project
               (ASP) forms a wonderful network around
               the world of cooperating schools, working
               on peace, human rights, the environment
               and the United Nations. The ASP should
               be further strengthened to counterbalance
               the very dangerous present polarization
               between “us” and “the others”.

               Q: You have a long and outstanding career
               in UNESCO, where you were the Director of
               Women and a Culture of Peace Programme.
               What exactly did you do in these jobs?
               I feel most fortunate to have worked in
               and for UNESCO in different capacities.
               As Secretary General of the Norwegian  to the Women’s Conference was finalized,
               National Commission for UNESCO, I found   I was given the opportunity to build up
               my most fruitful was to be in a position to   a program on Women and a Culture of
               bring back to Norway the latest thinking  Peace, thereby also being a part of the broad
               and achievements within UNESCO’s fields  program Towards a Culture of Peace.
               of competence and to bring to UNESCO the
               best we had in education, science, culture  The culture of peace vision emphasizes peace
               and communication, including good people.   not only as the absence of armed conflict
               Being deputy to the Norwegian member   or war, however important that is, but
               of the Executive Board, Ingrid Eide, was  focuses on the content and the conditions
               a tremendous four- year-long learning  of peace. It also requires a positive, dynamic
               experience in dialogue and negotiations  participatory process where dialogue is
               with  eminent  people  from  different  encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit
               continents and cultures. In 1993, at the end   of mutual understanding and cooperation.
               of this period, I was hired as Special Advisor
               to the Director General on women and   The priorities of the Women and a Culture of
               gender issues. The most challenging part of   Peace program were to:
               this task was the responsibility to coordinate   – support women’s initiatives for peace;
               UNESCO’s preparation of the United     –   empower   women   for  democratic
               Nations Fourth World Conference on     participation in political processes and to
               Women, which took place in Beijing in 1995.   increase women’s capacity and impact in
               The Beijing Platform for Action remains the   economic and security issues;
               most comprehensive document on gender  – contribute to gender-sensitive socialization
               issues guiding the work of both the United   and training for non-violence and egalitarian
               Nations, countries and institutions. Once the   partnerships with a special focus on young
               report and the UNESCO follow-up strategy   men and boys.

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