Page 32 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 32

With the help of high-density plantation technology,
              3600-2500 plants are being planted per hectare
              compared to 250 trees planted presently.

                               Zeera are also cultivated in some pockets  accounts only for 0.66% of the total mul-
                               of the UT. This year, the robust agriculture   berry silk production of India. Silk is an
                               sector of Jammu and Kashmir passed an in-  elite product in itself and the government is
                               credible milestone as around 2000 trucks of   rapidly addressing the issues of the people
                               vegetables were exported from Jammu and   involved in the sericulture sector.
                               Kashmir to different parts of the country.
                               The UT remained at the top in the country   Initiatives & Achievements
                               with a yield of 70 quintals for each hectare   The available data depicts that both area
                               of paddy. The agriculture department is  and production of horticulture crops seem
                               planning to convert over 60,000 hectares  to be increasing simultaneously. The UT
                               of Basmati cultivation area into high-pro-  and Central government has taken many
                               ductivity land. The statistics of the agri-  initiatives towards market intervention
                               culture department reveal that area under  such as the establishment of fruit mandies,
                               vegetable cultivation in the Kashmir region   technological support and research exten-
                               has increased from 10,270 hectares (as per   sion, provision of support price, awareness
                               a 1981 survey) to 31,250 hectares (2015  options, publicity inputs, and cold storage
                               survey). There has been a commendable  facilities. The Department of horticulture
                               increase in production from about 200,000   provides assistance to the farmers for the
                               tons in 1981 to 800,700 tons in 2015.  economic development of the horticul-
                                                                      ture sector in UT under various centrally
                               A small hamlet, Bogam, located on the bor-  sponsored schemes as well as the CAPEX
                               der of Pulwama and Budgam districts is  budget.
                               known as “mini Punjab” for its high-quality
                               vegetables. Besides meeting local demands,   The department provides incentives for the
                               trucks loaded with vegetables from the vil-  establishment of new orchards, plant pro-
                               lage and its adjoining areas reach various  tection machinery, horticulture mechani-
                               cities in north India changing the fortunes   zation, protected cultivation, pollination
                               of the villagers. The village produces fresh   support, pack houses, hi-tech nursery es-
                               vegetables like green collards (haakh), cau-  tablishment, etc. The department lays stress
                               liflower, brinjal, radish, capsicum, garlic,  on the ultra-high-density plantations in the
                               cucumber, spinach, carrot, and different  UT. With the help of high-density planta-
                               varieties of peas which are dispatched to lo-  tion technology, 2500-3600 plants are being
                               cal mandis as well as outside the UT every   planted per hectare compared to 250 trees
                               day.                                   planted presently. There is potential for an
                                                                      increase in the productivity of apples from
                               In J&K, Oil seeds have been sown over  the present level of 12 metric tons to 30-40
                               1.10 lakh Ha of land. Kashmiri Lal Mirch  metric tons per hectare through the intro-
                               is being harvested on 1182 Ha, Sweet Corn   duction of a high-density plantation pro-
                               harvested on 165 Ha, while other exotic  gramme.
                               vegetables have been harvested over 150 Ha   The high-density plantations are expected
                               and farmers are getting massive returns out   to make horticulture profitable through su-
                               of them. Similarly, sericulture (cultivation  perior yields, higher yields per hectare, ear-
                               of silk) is widespread across the region.  ly harvest, and introduction of insect and
                               As per the Sericulture Policy 2020 of J&K,   pest-resistant varieties thereby saving the
                               the mulberry silk production in the UT  expenditure on disease and pest control.

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