Page 10 - DIVA_3_2023
P. 10


                    “Honestly, if you understand how                 Autonomous  cars  today  are  for  privileged
                                                                     countries.  Even  there,  it  will  take  time.  But
                  important it is, you will not ride in a            clearly, when it happens, it will be a very good
               car without buckling the safety belt.”
                                                                     What about car racing? What do you think
                                                                     will happen in Formula 1 if the cars become
                              course without brakes, without proper lights,  This will never happen! Formula 1 is a sport!
                              without a safety belt. Over the years, there has  It’s the human skills of the driver that are key.
                              been major progress on safety, including the  Youngsters  are  often  in  front  of  the  screen
                              safety belt, but also electronic devices such as  playing  video  games,  but  they  also  play
                              ABS, anti-braking systems, electronic stability  football. So, there will always be the love of
                              control systems (ESC). But the first significant  the sport.
                              improvement on safety was probably the safety
                              belt.  In  the  developing  world,  people  often  People  will  always  like  having  their  hero
                              don’t  use  the  safety  belt.  They  simply  don’t  driving  a  car  on  the  ground,  letting  them
                              realize how useful it is. In a modern car, if you  dream.  So,  whatever  the  evolution  of  the
                              don’t buckle the safety belt, a signal sounds.  automobile  industry  may  turn  out  to  be,
                              So, what do some people do in order to stop  Formula 1 will still be the pinnacle of motor-
                              it? They buckle the safety belt and they sit on  vehicle  sport  because  the  driver  is  a  hero.
                              it! It is a tragedy! Honestly, if you understand  Think of a stadium with 100,000 people, with
                              how important it is, you will not ride in a car  a flag of Verstappen or with Magnussen as a
                              without buckling the safety belt.      Norwegian  driver.  Think  of  the  yellow  tee-
                                                                     shirt and the color of the Netherlands, or the
                              Why was France the first country to adopt it?  red color for Ferrari. The passion will remain.
                              I think they had better vision. I think they were
                              the  first  to  understand  that  it  was  essential  When  you  talk  about  Formula  1,  your  face
                              to  saving  lives,  and  that  it  was  the  key  to  a  and eyes are shining. What is so special about
                              revolution in improving safety on the road.   Formula 1?
                                                                     I  love  Formula  1!  I  love  sports!  It  is  a  kind
                              Others  may  be  better  on  the  road  than  the  of  optimization  of  what  you  can  do  best.
                              French. Switzerland, Norway – they have more  Formula 1 is so competitive that you cannot
                              discipline,  and  better  education.  The  same  make a mistake. If you make a mistake, you
                              is true for the other Scandinavian countries,  immediately  get  punished.  I  like  to  be  as
                              Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.          close as possible to perfection. Formula 1 is a
                                                                     symbol of that.
                              Today we are hearing more and more about
                              autonomous cars. What do you think about  Whatever  you  do,  you  try  to  do  it  better.  I
                              them?  Isn’t  it  dangerous  that  technology  is  think if you are engaged in doing something,
                              taking over?                           you  must  be  ambitious.  You  must  try  to  do
                              No, I do not think so because over 90 percent  your  best.  Today,  everything  I  do,  I  do  as  a
                              of all crashes are due to human behavior and  volunteer.  So,  I’m  not  obliged  to  be  there.  I
                              a human mistake. So, if you take away human  could be running around the lake or playing
                              beings from driving, with electronic control,  on the boat on the lake, but I prefer to be with
                              it  ought  to  be  safer.  But  as  I  mentioned,  90  my people and try to make things progress or
                              percent  of  the  accidents  occur  in  low-  and  do something for which I think I can be good
                              middle-income  countries  where  the  average  for people.
                              age of the vehicles is somewhere between 20
                              and 50 years old. So, if you want to address  You’re also the leader or the mastermind of the
                              the problem you cannot wait until they have  United Nations campaign to halve the number
                              autonomous cars.                       of traffic deaths by 2030. How far have you

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