Page 14 - DIVA_3_2023
P. 14

Africa as a continent and its people

                                                      have enormous potential

              Interview with

              Mr. Akiwumi

              Director of the Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special
              Programmes (ALDC) at the United Nations Conference on Trade and

              Development (UNCTAD)

                              Could  you  tell  us  a  little  about  yourself,  in  General of the United Nations. I also worked
                              particular  your  background,  both  personal  as  chief  of  staff  in  the  Office  of  the  Deputy
                              and professional?                      Secretary-General  of  the  United  Nations,
                              I  am  a  Ghanaian  national.  I  have  had  the  focusing  on  strengthening  the  development
                              opportunity  to  study  in  the  United  States  pillar  in  the  Office  of  the  Secretary  General.
                              and  the  UK.  I’m  a  marine  scientist  and  In  a  previous  role,  I  was  chief  of  staff  for
                              oceanographer by training, and I have a master’s  the  United  Nations  Office  in  Nairobi.  I  also
                              degree from the University of Southampton in  served for many years in the United Nations
                              the United Kingdom. I have been fortunate to  Environment Programme, including as chief of
                              serve  in  many  different  capacities  across  the  staff, developing institutional policy, managing
                              United  Nations  system.  Before  taking  up  my  the  action  plans  and  conventions  related  to
                              current position as the director of UNCTAD’s  small island developing states (SIDS), Eastern
                              Division for Africa, least developed countries  and  Western  Africa,  as  well  as  the  Red  Sea
                              and special programmes, I served as director of  and Gulf of Aden. Early in my United Nations
                              the Economic, Social and Development Affairs  career I worked for the Food and Agriculture
                              Unit in the Executive Office of the Secretary-  Organization  on  rural  development  projects,

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