Page 19 - DIVA_3_2023
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               businesses. The public sector is also faced with   “Without strong productive
               diminishing fiscal space as debt burdens mount.
               In 2022, public debt in Africa reached US$ 1.8   capacities, countries remain trapped
               trillion.  Africa’s  debt  has  increased  by  183%   in cycles of commodity dependence,
               since 2010, a rate roughly four times higher
               than its GDP growth rate. Rising debt levels  with their economies characterized
               and more expensive repayment costs limit the   by low levels of value added and
               fiscal space countries in Africa have to finance
               their own development and invest in policies  innovation.”
               and programmes to boost human capital and
               skills and develop core infrastructure, among
               other investments. That means fewer resources
               available to them to invest in core development  challenges, the overarching challenge we see
               policies and programmes, including in health  in  the  LDCs  is  the  systemic  and  structural
               and education that can boost the skills of their  underdevelopment  of  productive  capacities.
               people and help drive change.          These  implicate  the  real  economic  inputs,
                                                      the  underlying  economic  ingredients  that
               Regrettably,  official  development  assistance,  are needed for countries to make goods and
               (ODA)  is  also  lessening  as  donor  countries  deliver  services.  It  is  what  enables  them  to
               face  tighter  fiscal  conditions  in  their  own  grow,  develop  and  trade.  Without  strong
               countries. This has resulted in a shift in the  productive  capacities,  countries  remain
               international aid architecture, with developing  trapped in cycles of commodity dependence,
               countries,  like  many  in  Africa,  increasingly  with  their  economies  characterized  by  low
               subject to less concessional forms of financing,  levels of value added and innovation. It makes
               and  an  increase  in  ODA  loans  rather  than  them  hard  places  to  attract  the  attention  of
               development grants.                    foreign investors and companies.

               Resources  and  financing  must  be  mobilized  From  the  macroeconomic  perspective,  debt
               to meet the challenges of multi-dimensional  plays  a  huge  role  in  country’s  development
               crises,  especially  if  African  countries  and  prospects.  Rising  levels  of  debt  distress  and
               developing countries more broadly are to meet  increasingly  costly  forms  of  international
               the targets of the 2030 Agenda. In particular,  financing  mean  that  developing  countries
               borrowing  countries  need  to  be  given  more  and LDCS in particular have little fiscal space.
               and more appropriate resources as they face  With the increasing threats of climate change,
               growing  challenges,  including  those  from  the debt threat is only rising. Recovery from
               climate change.                        economic  shocks  is  expensive,  and  when
                                                      countries  have  difficulties  mobilizing  their
               Among  the  African  countries  themselves,  own domestic resources, and in an increasingly
               there  are  huge  differences.  Some,  like  South  crowded space for foreign aid, debt is on the
               Africa,  are  well  developed,  whereas  others  rise.
               are least-developed countries or LDCs. What
               is  preventing  the  latter  from  realizing  their  Finally, if you have one message to our readers,
               potential, and how does these countries’ debt  what would that be?
               figure into the matter?                That Africa as a continent and its people have
               You  have  raised  a  very  important  question.  enormous  potential.  I  am  optimistic  that
               Right  now,  33  of  the  46  least  developed  despite the difficult challenges the continent
               countries are in Africa. With some small island  faces, the future will be a bright one for Africa
               LDCs in the Pacific, as well as Asian LDCs,  and Africans.
               set to graduate in the next decade, the LDCs’
               challenges  will  increasingly  become  Africa’s
               challenges. While each country faces specific
               and  contextually  important  development

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