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The 2023 G20 summit
India’s diplomatic triumph, strategic
brilliance and the path to global prosperity
The 2023 G20 Summit convened in the vibrant historic declaration titled ‘One Earth · One
and culturally rich city of New Delhi, India, Family · One Future.’ This extensive 83-
casting a brilliant spotlight on the global paragraph manifesto served as a testament
stage. Hosted under the auspices of the Indian to their resolute dedication to these shared
G20 presidency, this momentous gathering ideals.
witnessed leaders from across the world
converging to deliberate on the most pressing A Summit of Unprecedented Cooperation
issues of our contemporary era. This article and Ambition: The G20 leaders, bound by
offers a comprehensive exploration of the their unwavering dedication to progress, have
summit’s outcomes and the profound impact embarked on a journey laden with actions
it has wielded on the international arena. and aspirations that will indelibly shape our
shared future. Within the heart of this historic
Setting the Stage in New Delhi, India: The 18th declaration, several key highlights stand out:
G20 summit bore witness to the convergence • Accelerating the 2030 Agenda: A
of major economies at a pivotal juncture in resolute commitment to expediting the full
history. Held over two consequential days, implementation of the 2030 Agenda for
from September 9 to 10, 2023, this summit Sustainable Development underscores their
materialized under the esteemed leadership dedication to addressing the world’s most
of the Indian G20 presidency. Set against pressing challenges.
the backdrop of intensifying political and • Renewable Energy Revolution: A pledge
economic rivalries, this congregation unfolded to triple global renewable energy capacity by
in an epoch where nations, both established 2030 signifies a concerted effort to combat
and emerging, were sculpting new alliances climate change and embrace sustainable
that transcended conventional boundaries. energy sources, marking a historic step toward
a greener future.
A Bold Vision for Global Prosperity: Guided • Sustainable Development and Low
by visionary principles, the Indian presidency Emissions: The leaders champion
embarked on a six-fold approach, epitomizing environmentally sustainable development
their commitment to a better world. The pillars pathways and low-carbon emissions,
of green development, inclusive growth, UN emphasizing their responsibility in
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), safeguarding our planet for generations to
technological transformation, modern come.
multilateral institutions, and women-led • Unified Climate Action: By bolstering
development were carefully chosen to chart a financial support mechanisms for the Paris
path towards global prosperity. Agreement, they send a clear message of unity in
In a remarkable show of unity, leaders from the face of climate change, demonstrating their
the G20 nations came together to endorse a commitment to taking substantive action.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h