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                                                                     structure  with  powers  within  the  executive
                                                                     branch, similar to agencies, committees and
                                                                     ministries  established  in  many  countries,
                                                                     including  developed  countries,  for  the
                                                                     successful promotion of gender policy.

                                                                     Being appointed the Permanent Representative
                                                                     of Kazakhstan to the UN (1999-2003), Madina
                                                                     Jarbussynova was given the opportunity not
                                                                     only  to  promote  national  interests  globally,
                                                                     but  also  to  contribute  to  global  agenda  on
                                                                     women empowerment, strengthening gender
                                                                     policies and programs. At the UN venues. Of
                                                                     the 192 UN member States at that time, only
                                                                     11  were  represented  by  women,  and  their
                                                                     voices, including hers, were often heard from
                                                                     the rostrums of the UN in search of ways to
                              in its work and coordinated its international  promote  the  Beijing  Agreements,  improve
                              relations and cooperation at the regional and  the  status  of  women  and  girls  and  ensure
                              global levels. She contributed to the preparation  their  security.  Ambassador  Jarbussynova’s
                              of the first Concept of Gender Policy in the  active  position  in  promoting  national  and
                              Republic  of  Kazakhstan.  The  Commission  global interests in gender issues was marked
                              became a catalyst for Kazakhstan’s accession  by  her  election  as  one  of  the  five  members
                              to the Convention on the Elimination of All  of the UNIFEM Board in 2002. As UNIFEM
                              Forms  of  Discrimination  against  Women  in  Board member she supported initiatives that
                              1998.  Ambassador  Jarbussynova  is  proud  empower  women  economically,  socially,
                              that  she  was  one  of  those  who  persistently  and  politically,  recognizing  that  true  gender
                              promoted this and sought ratification, contrary  equality  goes  hand  in  hand  with  women’s
                              to the opinion of some officials that first of all  empowerment.
                              legislation and normative documents should
                              be brought into line with the provisions of the  After  completing  her  work  at  the  UN,  she
                              Convention before accession to it. If the latter’s  received  the  portfolio  of  Ambassador-at-
                              opinion had won, Kazakhstan would not have  Large  for  Human  Rights  in  the  MFA,  and,
                              been on the list of countries participating in  given  her  deep  public  involvement  in  the
                              the  Convention  for  a  long  time,  since  even  status  of  women  and  girls,  she  was  often
                              at the last presentation of the Report on the  called the Gender Ambassador. She advocated
                              Implementation  of  the  Convention  on  the  for gender equality, led initiatives to combat
                              Elimination  of  All  Forms  of  Discrimination  gender-based violence, and worked to close the
                              against  Women  in  2018,  members  of  the  gender pay gap. Jarbussynova raised awareness
                              SEDAW  committee  made  comments  and  about  the  various  forms  of  discrimination
                              recommendations on its implementation.  women face, from cultural biases to workplace
                                                                     disparities.  She  actively  participated  in
                              Noting the relevant role of the Commission in  national and international events, contributed
                              the formation of the State gender and family  to the development of recommendations and
                              policy,  however,  Ambassador  Jarbussynova  solutions  to  improve  gender  policy,  led  the
                              believes that at the present stage, the advisory  country’s delegations to international forums
                              function  of  the  Commission  is  no  longer  on  women’s  issues,  including  at  regular
                              sufficient  to  solve  the  tasks  necessary  to  sessions of the UN Commission on the Status
                              improve  the  status  of  women  and  girls,  of  Women  and  when  submitting  reports  on
                              effectively  implement  the  international  the implementation of the Convention on the
                              commitments  undertaken.  She  considers  Elimination  of  All  Forms  of  Discrimination
                              necessary  to  reorganize  and  create  a  state  against Women in the relevant Committee.

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