Page 23 - DIVA_3_2023
P. 23
During Kazakhstan’s participation in the
OSCE Troika (2009-2011) and during its
Chairmanship, Ambassador Jarbussynova
was tasked to coordinate work on the human
dimension. It was then, on her initiative, in
2010, the Kazakh Chairmanship managed
to overcome the resistance of a number of
participating States and by consensus to
approve at the Permanent Council the post of
the Special Representative of the OSCE Chair
on Gender Issues, thereby bringing to the
attention of the largest regional organization
comprehensive problems of women’s security.
In 2012, she joined the OSCE as the Program
coordinator in Ukraine, and then in 2014
she was appointed the OSCE Special
Representative and Coordinator of the office
for Combating Human Trafficking. Since
women and girls are the most vulnerable and
constitute the largest number of victims of
human trafficking, the issues of ensuring their
safety, preventing trafficking, eliminating
discrimination, assisting them and ensuring
subsequent rehabilitation and integration into
society were at the center of her work.
Currently, Madina Jarbussynova continues
working tirelessly to address the challenges and
barriers that women and girls face worldwide, of the impact of conflict on women and the
she advises the UN Women Structure, critical role they play in peace processes.
coordinates and promotes the activities of the
National Commission on the Status of Women Ambassador Jarbussynova is deeply convinced
and Family and Demographic Policy under that discrimination against women and girls
the President within the framework of the negatively affects the development of the
partnership programs of the Global Generation world, slows down its sustainability. Gender
of Equality Forum. Kazakhstan joined two inequalities and harmful gender norms lead
Action Coalitions in 2021, committing itself to the systemic denial of women’s rights and
to combating gender-based violence and hinder the advancement and empowerment
ensuring economic justice and rights, and of women. Still a lot of efforts should be
i, according to the estimates of the global made at all levels to drive progress toward a
secretariat, runs as one of the regional leaders more equitable and inclusive world, where
in their implementation. This year Kazakhstan every woman and girl can realize their full
also joined the Compact on women, peace potential, free from discrimination and bias.
and security and humanitarian actions, Unfortunately, the world is still far from
Madina Jarbussynova has been appointed its solving the relevant tasks of the 2030 Agenda
national Coordinator as she has consistently to achieve fair and equal status of women in
emphasized the intersection of gender and the world
security, highlighting the importance of
women’s participation in conflict prevention,
resolution, and peacebuilding. Her efforts
have contributed to a broader understanding
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h