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               and  for  the  United  Nations  Economic  Please tell us a little about how your work at
               Commission  for  Africa’s  natural  resources  UNCTAD?
               division. I also served as senior advisor to the  I  currently  work  as  the  Director  of  the
               Global Environment Facility (GEF), and chief  United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and
               executive  officer  and  secretary  to  the  GEF  Development’s  Division  for  Africa,  LDCs
               Council in Washington D.C.             and  special  programmes.  My  dicvision’s
                                                      work  really  touches  on  the  core  mandates
               In your long and impressive career, what have  of  UNCTAD  as  we  focus  our  research  and
               been  the  positions  that  you  have  found  the  policy  development  work  on  the  poorest
               most fulfilling, the most challenging, and the  and  most  vulnerable  countries.  In  addition
               most enjoyable?                        to  a  geographic  emphasis  on  the  trade  and
               I  have  had  diverse  and  exciting  professional  development  challenges  in  Africa,  we  also
               experiences,  serving  in  various  capacities  in  focus  on  the  systemic  challenges  facing
               the United Nations system. They have all been  small  island  developing  states,  landlocked
               memorable in their own ways. The colleagues  developing  countries  and  other  structurally
               and people I have worked alongside in Nairobi,  weak and vulnerable economies. It is a broad
               Addis  Ababa,  New  York,  Washington,  D.C.,  mandate, but we focus on the productive side
               Geneva  and  in  between  definitely  stand  out  of development, helping countries to unlock
               and leave lasting memories.            their  productive  capacities  and  build  the
                                                      skills, policy tools and institutions necessary
               A personal highlight would of course be from  to  meet  the  ever-growing  challenges  of  our
               my  time  in  New  York,  working  directly  with  times  head  on.  UNCTAD’s  work  originates
               the Secretary-General, Ban Ki moon. The pace  in our research. I think that the critical first
               was hectic, but it was exhilarating to support the  step in this work stems from identifying the
               Secretary-General’s role directly. My team and  emerging and topical issues and development
               I  were  responsible  for  advising  the  Secretary-  questions  that  member  states  really  need
               General  on  the  development  pillar  and  answers to in an urgent way. Thinking critically
               supporting the activities of the United Nations’  and innovatively about binding development
               development-related  departments,  funds  and  constraints  and  anticipating  the  challenges
               programmes, fostering policy integration and the  that  vulnerable  developing  countries  may
               implementation of the Sustainable Development  face to new threats in the global system is an
               Goals. It was a my good fortune to meet eminent  essential first step and jumping off point for
               policy  makers  and  global  leaders.  It  was  also  our research and policy work. We then aim
               an  opportunity  to  understand  the  intricacies  to translate that research and critical thinking
               of international decision making at the highest  into actionable, and practical aid in countries
               level,  as  well  as  the  political  consequences  of  themselves.
               such decisions and processes.
                                                      My  division  focuses  its  efforts  on  the  LDCs
               Working  in  New  York  and  with  Secretary-  or  the  46  least  developed  countries  that  are
               General  also  meant  close  collaboration  with  recognized by the United Nations. These are
               member  states  and  engagement  with  the  the  poorest  countries.  They  also  face  deep
               General  Assembly.  A  notable  contribution  structural  challenges  to  their  development
               in  this  regard  was  the  efforts  we  made  to  both  on  the  economic  and  social  fronts.
               catalyse  the  early  discussions  on  migration  Addressing  other  systemic  risks  like  climate
               and  development,  which  eventually  led  to  change  and  environmental  vulnerability  are
               the  negotiation  and  adoption  of  the  Global  also key for these countries in the long run.
               Compact  on  Migration.  This  was  rather  The  major  motivation  for  working  with  the
               early in the multilateral  discussions,  but  the  LDCs is to help them kick-start a development
               core  issue  of  migration  and  the  economic  processes that can be inclusive and sustainable,
               contribution that the movement of men and  one that will help them embark on a process
               women  moving  across  the  world  make  is  termed  “graduation”  from  LDC  status.  This
               definitely one that stands out to me.  can  be  a  long  and  often  difficult  path,  but

               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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