Page 45 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 45

the Salève, the whole rock face   been called Magdalenians; this   flint, and reindeer bones and   ilization.
          collapsed in the region of   name is based on the village of   horns. This situation must have   If you want to look for the rock
          Veyrier/Pas de l'Echelle—of   La Madeleine in the Dordogne   continued for some 2,500 years   shelters at  Pas  de I Echelle
          which, more later.        region of France where many   (i.e. more than 100 genera-  where the Magdalenian hunter
          By 14,000 years before the   artefacts have been found. At   tions), by which time the rock   lived you will be disappointed
          present time the glaciers were   Veyrier/Pas de l'Echelle they   shelters were well filled with   Most of the shelters lay within a
          only found in mountain valleys.   found the loosely piled slabs of   debris. But the vegetation of the   few hundred metres of the pres
          However, as it retreated the   rock resulting from the collapse   Geneva basin had now evolved   ent cable car station slightly to
          Rhone Glacier left behind a   of the façade of the Salêve and   into a dense birch and pine for-  the left as you face the Saleve
          colossal mass of ice in the   underneath them they estab-  est. Reindeer eat lichen, grass   Quarrying Ion ago destroyed
          Geneva basin that must have   lished their shelters. Mammoths   and saplings and like wide-open   nearly all of them and the rest
          taken hundreds if not thousands   were now gone from the   spaces, so they migrated further   were swept aside by the
          of years to melt.         Geneva area, being found only   north to find the conditions that   Autoroute blanche According
          Needless to say, no animals   on the top of the Jura—before   suited them. The hunters fol-  to the experts we are in  an
          could live on the ice, least of all   dying out altogether. In these   lowed them and disappeared   interglacial period If the gla-
          man. In these harsh conditions   rock shelters the hunters left the   from our region. The Ice Age,   ciers started to melt about-
          man too had to adapt to survive.   bones of what they ate, which   marked by numerous minor   20000 years ago the warm
          It seems that at least two or   were above all the grouse-like   advances and retreats, could be   period reached its peak about
          three thousand years elapsed   bird called ptarmigan and rein-  said to be over by about 10.000   6,000 years ago (that is to sayqp

          between the retreat of the gla-  deer of course, but also wild   years ago. The present climate   4,000 BC) and—despite global
          ciers from the Geneva basin and   horse, marmots and hares.   had arrived and the birch and   warming, the greenhouse effect
          the first timid arrival of   Other animals that were hunted   pine trees had to share their   and all evidence to the con
          mankind. Tribes of hunters   to a lesser extent include the   environment with oak, beech,   trary we are now gently but
          existed in the Burgundy region   ibex, red deer, fox, chamois,   walnut and hazel. Sometime   irrevocably in a cooling phase
          of (what is now) France and   wild boar and at least one   after the Magdalenian hunters   The next Ice Age my he
          about 12,500 years ago they   aurochs. At one site a seriously   had gone, new peoples penetrat-  expected to show its teeth in
          were drawn to the Lake of   injured hunter survived for   ed through the forests and   about 10,000 years time Long
          Geneva by the animal life, prin-  some time on frogs! Their hunt-  established numerous lake-side   long after we are all gone
          cipally reindeer.  They  have   ing tools were largely made of         civ-     HAYWARD BEY WOOD1

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