Page 42 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 42

The Universal Forum


                                      to learn

                                      from each other

                                     The event closed its doors last   Forum Dialogues seeked to help   means finding ways of increa-
                                     September 26 after  50 different   increase equity in the world, fos-  sing equity between peoples and
                                     international conferences, more   ter sustainable human develop-  countries, ensuring greater
                                     than 2500 speakers and 70.000   ment, address universal issues,   respect for the environment, and
                                     registered delegates. Estelle   and explore innovative ways of   a greater degree of governance.
                                     Gitta meets the Director of the   managing cultural and ethnic   Equity is meant to be unders-
                                     Dialogues, Mireia Belil.   conflicts. All those are pressing   tood as a process of rebalance
                                                               issues of the XXI century.   that allows all parties to advan-
                                     Mireia Belil is a geographer that   Currently, there are global issues   ce and develop; greater respect
                                     studied in Barcelona and in UC   that require global solutions with   for the environment because our
                                     Berkeley. She was a consultant   the cooperation of all states and   present is also our future, and if
                                     in urban development and inter-  peoples. The new role of interna-  the Earth's resources are not
                                     national relations for 15 years,   tional civil society and the unpre-  protected and used in an appro-
                                     when she was commissioned the   cedented demands of groups and   priate manner, it will be difficult
                                     direction of the Dialogues of the   individuals have set a new stage   to maintain population growth
                                     Universal Forum of Cultures   for global relationships. Since the   and raise living standards; and a
                                     Barcelona 2004.           1990s, agents operating on the   greater degree of governance -
                                                               international scene have become   in which all voices are heard—
                                                               more numerous and diverse.   and in which legitimacy is as
                                     Why this need to institutionali-  Along with international organi-  central as legality.
                                     se dialogues in the XXI centu-  zations, states and large corpora-  Forum Dialogues has centered
                                     ry? What do they respond to?   tions, we now find a variety of   its debates in those objectives
                                                               non-profit organizations, net-  and in four key elements for the
                                                               works, groups and even indivi-  development of this new world:
                                     At the outset of the 21St century,   duals able to influence the inter-
                                     the need for dialogue is more                      more politics, understood as the
                                                               national agenda. There are now
                                     pressing than ever. Conflict is                    art of dialogue, negotiation and
                                     on the rise, and the trend toward   many voices that wish to be heard   provision of a vision for the
                                                               and that succeed in making them-
                                     homogenization is increasingly                     future; more creativity—the
                                                               selves heard. Forum Barcelona
                                     set against the renaissance and                    capacity to see things in diffe-
                                                               2004 has brought together oppo-  rent ways and question the sta-
                                     consolidation of religious, eth-  sed and varied points of view,
                                     nic and cultural identities. It has   including people and groups that   tus quo; more commitment, as
                                     been stated in several reports:                    citizens take the steps needed to
                                                               do not normally meet except in
                                     Trends towards globalization                       create a better world; and more
                                     and interaction coexist with pro-  circumstances of open confronta-  knowledge based on the sharing
                                                               tion. Forum Dialogues aimed to
                                     cesses of localization and the   allow different voices to be   of technological and scientific
                                     reinforcement of traditions and   heard, to provide opportunities to   advances, and on understanding
                                     identities. Globalization, along                   and celebration of different cul-
                                                               learn the unknown, and to open
                                     with a certain degree of homo-  up new points of view that enable   tures. In short, we see culture
                                     genization, has also brought dif-  us to reassess our positions.   and creativity as an essential
                                     ference, differentiation, seg-  Cultural diversity is as necessary   part of development.
                                     mentation, discrimination and                       The Universal Forum of
                                                               as biodiversity for the survival of
                                     discord. Diversity is the essen-                   Cultures has aimed to establish
                                                               the planet and of humanity.
                                     tial element to ensure that glo-                   an environment for dialogue
                                     balization is not just hegemony,   What can we expect? What   that contributes to the difficult
                                     and common values and areas of                     process of building a global
                                     concern are to be found if diffe-  are their goals?   ethics. This emerging ethics
                                     rence and localization are not to                   must be based on certain mini-
                                     result in exclusion.      Making our world a better place   mal common values. To achieve
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