Page 33 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 33

                                The Kilimanjaro Initiative

             Last February, the         based employee of the   and a concert by local Hip  urban spaces and looking at
             Kilimanjaro 	                                      Hop artists and Messenger  how climate change may
                                        United Nations Federal
             organized its 2nd Annual   Credit Union (UNFCU),   of Truth Gidi Gidi.  affect security in our cities.
             Climb to promote safer     founded the Kilimanjaro   UNFCU is working closely  Challen said, 'We have a
             cities and encourage young   Initiative after he was shot   with the Kilimanjaro  long way to go in terms of
             people to be agents of     during an armed robbery in   Initiative in its efforts to  tackling crime in urban
             change in their communi-   Nairobi, Kenya. The climbs   establish a financial  areas, the climb won't be
              ties. Youths from Kenya,   have not only raised aware-  cooperative with the goal  over for some time."
             Tanzania, United States and   ness about issues of crime,   of providing a micro-  According to Challen,
              Switzerland, as well as   but also have been used as   finance facility for youth  young people must play a
              various 	                                         groups in East Africa. The  leading role in community
                                        way to solicit funds for
             stakeholders and United    youth-based community   Kilimanjaro Initiative is  development.
             Nations agency staff,      projects in East Africa.   also preparing for the next
              demonstrated how people                           Mount Kilimanjaro climb.             Contacts:
              can join forces in over-  On 10 June 2007, a ground-                            Elisabeth Philippe,
              coming adversity by       breaking event took place   Due to start on 23 February   Tel.. +1 347-686-6776,
              reaching the summit of    in Kibera for the develop-  2008, the ascent will again
              Mount Kilimanjaro, the    ment of Silanga sports   involve various members           71rn Challen,
              highest peak in Africa.   field, including a cycling   of the international   Tel. 22 917 7708, tchal-
                                        race, a football match   community and highlight
              Tim Challen, a Geneva-    between the community   the importance of youths
                                                      and UN    and the environment,
                                                       s  a f    calling for green and safe

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                                                                                                  3 2007 Diva 31

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