Page 38 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 38

~A 6K,,"IAN

                                         TAPIS D'ORIENT SA

                                                            children and future genera-  the taste by showing him/her
                                 You have surely heard
                                                            tions.                     different kinds of carpets. We
                                  the name Avakian some-                               also offer to visit the poten-
                                  where. The Avakians       As a carpet is a long-term   tial client at his/her home
                                 have been in the carpet    investment, it is important to   with a selection of carpets to
                                  business for more than    make the right choice. It is   make sure that the carpet will
                                  four generations, and     therefore important to     fit with the existing furniture.
                                  they have specialized in   remember that there are four   We have a huge choice for
                                  Oriental hand knotted     factors that should be taken   every purse. Our aim is to
                                  carpets.                  into consideration when you   make the customer pleased
                                                            choose a carpet.           and that they are satisfied in
                                 We have had the pleasu-                               their house.
                                  re of meeting Mr. Hagop   First of all, the quality of the
                                  Avakian, a well-known     wool is the first one to consi-  Do you really think that a
                                  expert in his shop in rue   der. Next, come the quality   carpet is necessary in a
                                  des Alpes the other day.   of the knots. Thirdly, it is the   home?
                                                            work and harmony of colors
                                 Mr. Avakian how do you     and finally the pattern, if one   Yes, it's a good question. You
                                  chose your carpets?       of these is missing, the carpet   can spend hundred of thou-
                                                            is worthless.              sand francs to furnish your
                                 A: As you know, I have a                              house or flat. However, if
                                 long experience and tradition   What kind of advice   you do not put carpets, the
                                 in carpet business, so 0 tra-  would you like to give a   house/flat seems empty.
                                 vel everywhere to find the   newcomer in town who     However, if you only put car-
                                 best one. When I chose a car-  would like to decorate   pets and no furniture, the
                                 pet, I always look at it as if!   his/her house?      house is "furnished".
                                 am buying it for myself; my   When we receive clients in
                                 own home to pass it on to my   our shop, we try to determine   Mr. Avakian will receive you
                                                                                       with a smile in his shop in
                                                                                       rue des Alpes. More impor-
                                                                                       tantly, he will assist you with
                                                                                       a wealth of experience and
                                                                                       long tradition to buy the car-
                                                                                       pet of your dreams, and to
                                                                                       make sure you make a choice
                                                                                       you will never regret in addi-
                                                                                       tion to an investment that
                                                                                       will only increase in value
                                                                                       over time.

                                                                                       As he nicely puts it: "My
                                                                                       dearest wish is to have happy

                                                                                             18, rue des Alpes
                                                                                                 1201 Geneva
                                                                                            Tel.: 022 731 61 77
                                Deputs quatre gén&anonn, Avakian conseffle et sattsfa,t one dilentdle locale et Internat ionale exiqmte
                                     Avakian advises and satisfies local and international customers for bar generations,
                                      Liethipe !K)KOIC}IIIR (xiiini,jiod  ;ii,,iiicr III i  CiidiiiRiiiiCi 4 itO Kt,opan,
                 36 3 2007 Diva

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