Page 42 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 42


                                  Henry Dunant, the founder of                       volunteers who would perform
                                                                                     their work as neutrals without
                                  the Red Cross, born in Geneva
                                                                                     hindrance from the military.
                                  on 8 May 1828, was the first
                                  child of a wealthy,
                                                                                     Napoleon Ill also gave him
                                  religious, humanitarian and
                                                                                     permission to operate his mill
                                  privileged household. (Note
                                                                                     and, into the bargain, gave him
                                  that although he was baptised
                                                                                     the rights to a very large tract
                                  Jean-Henri, the most common
                                                                                     of land in Algeria.
                                  way that he wrote his name
                                  was "Henry".) He seemed
                                                                                     His book, A Souvenir of
                                  destined to become a priest,
                                                                                     Solferino, had great impact.
                                  but he was so hopeless at
                                                                                     Victor Hugo congratulated
                                  French, mathematics and
                                                                                     him. A Genevan lawyer,
                                  particularly Latin that this idea
                                                                                     Gustave Moynier, told Dunant
                                  had to be abandoned.
                                                            permit to operate his mill was   that he had the support of the
                                                            not forthcoming, while those   Geneva Society of Public
                                  As a young man, around 1848,
                                  Dunant took part in charitable   of his rivals were granted.   Interest, of which he was
                                                            Large sums of money were   chairman. Moynier and
                                  work visiting the poor, the sick
                                  and prisoners in Geneva. To   involved, so, armed with a   Dunant got on very well
                                  have more impact, the group   letter of introduction from   together. In February 1863 a
                                                            General Dufour, Dunant went   special commission was set up
                                  of religiously committed                           with Dunant as secretary. After
                                  young men formed themselves   to see the Emperor of France,
                                  into the Union of Geneva.   Napoleon III, about it.   several changes of name, this
                                                                                     special commission would
                                  Similar groups were formed in
                                  France, Belgium and the   He caught up with the    become in 1875 the
                                  United States. Dunant became   Emperor in northern Italy on   International Committee of the
                                                            Friday, 24 June 1859- - the day   Red Cross. Dunant was a
                                  the dynamic international sec-
                                  retary of this global move-  of the Battle of Solferino. On   visionary: he wrote the min-
                                  ment. It was he who wrote the   the battlefield the Italo-French   utes and the letters, he drafted
                                  charter of what became, in   army faced the Austrians. The   the conventions, he persuaded
                                  1855, the Young Men's     carnage was frightful: it is   the diplomats, he talked to
                                  Christian Association, whose   estimated that there were some   journalists. But if a global
                                  headquarters is still located in   40,000 casualties. Many were   agreement was to be reached,
                                                            left to die of wounds, thirst and   the best policy was to convoke
                                  Geneva today.
                                                            neglect in the following days.   an international conference. In
                                                                                     October 1863 fourteen nations
                                  In 1849 his father arranged for
                                                                                     met and agreed to set up Red
                                  him to work as a clerk in a
                                                            abandoned his affairs to   Cross committees in each
                                  prestigious bank. He was
                                  viewed so favourably by his   organize care for the wounded.   country. On 22 August of the
                                                            Apart from his own efforts, he   following year the Geneva
                                  superiors that in 1853 he was
                                  sent to the French colony of   persuaded Napoleon III to   Convention was adopted. The
                                                                                     contribution of Dunant was
                                  Algeria to supervise the bank's   release all Austrian doctors
                                                            held prisoner so that they   universally recognized and he
                                  activities there. His job was to
                                  persuade Swiss farmers to pur-  could help too. He subsequent-  was showered with honours.
                                                            ly published a book (at his
                                  chase farms in Algeria on land
                                  belonging to the bank. In   own expense) that described   As the Red Cross took shape,
                                                            the battle and the plight of the   more practical men came to
                                  1855, he left the bank and set
                                  up his own company to man-  wounded (see box). He   the fore and Dunant began to
                                  age a wheat farm in Algeria.   observed that 'future battles   fade from the scene. There was
                                                            will only become more    another reason for this. After
                                  There was no way to grind the
                                  wheat into flour so, without   murderous'. He suggested that   several years of neglect, his
                                                                                     business affairs in Algeria had
                                  authorization, he built a water-  European governments should
                                  powered mill. His business   set up a society that would take   to be liquidated. In 1867 it was
                                  affairs quickly prospered.   care of the wounded during   discovered that Dunant had
                                  Nevertheless, an official   war. This society would be   made unwise investments and
                                                            staffed by trained medical   was, in fact, deeply in debt.
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