Page 45 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 45
d abundant Roman wisdom
somehow mysterious per- g
sonality. Terruzzi is a weal- palace. At the same time, and sense of humour, will
thy man born in Milan with Rome, Milan, Venice and mix the perfect one for you.
a passion for art and collec- other citta' d'arte are This is the best season for a
tions. He is a cultivated competing to have Mr. long weekend in Rome and
man, difficult to make Terruzzi take his collection to their pool will soon be
contact with, and a picky, them. However he has alrea- open. If the agony of
dy chosen Villa Regina Alitalia spares you the
collector. He lives between Margherita in Bordighera to occasional stri-
Bordighera, on the Italian hold a part of his collection. ke, you might
Riviera west of Genoa, and It is said that the Mayor of even be back at
Cap Ferrat (you know Rome, who was invited to work on time.
where that is, of course). the inauguration of the Enjoy.
Tiepolo's collection at the
interesting fact is that he Hilton, insisted that he Francesco
lives with his collection. I should pick Rome as the Pisano, May
mean that his main house final destination of the 2007
(the one in Italy) is home to remainder of the collection.
almost 5,000 unique pieces
representing all fine arts. I It won't be easy to find a
did not learn much of his manor for this large treasure,
secondary residence in Cap also because people close to
Ferrat, apart from the fact, Mr. Terruzzi say that he is
told by a friend of mine, seriously considering conti-
that it is a four-storey villa nuing to live with his collec-
immersed in a garden the tion, therefore he is looking
size of a natural reserve. for a palace that could be
both his residence and a gal-
Mr. Terruzzi resembles a lery open to the public.
man with a mission: gather As this saga goes on, and
the best of Italian renaissan- before the paintings leave
ce and modern art to avoid their temporary home, you
it flying out of Italy, and should not miss the opportu-
make his collection accessi- nity of enjoying your martini
ble to the public. To do this, while sitting within reach of
he is trying to find a home these magnificent pieces of
for his treasures, whose visual art. Enzo, the skilled
number would require a bartender endowed with
2 2007 Diva 43