Page 29 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 29

make a difference in nearly   welcome from people   and filming voting as it took   documentary about Congo,
               impossible conditions. I   working in Baghdad.   place at a polling station.   Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan
               wanted to tell their story, or   Nicholas Haysom, who was               or other places. It's one of the
               at least give a glimpse into   Nelson Mandela's former   This enabled me to show   confronting and sad realities
               the kind of lives they were   legal adviser, and who was   both the behind-the-scenes   of today that many, many
               leading.                head of the UN constitution   stuff at the UN, but also to   missions now have an
                                       team, said that he felt it was   get at least some idea of the   element of danger - and aid
               Q: How was the support   important that the UN's   lives of Iraqis in Baghdad.   workers, and the UN itself,
               of the United Nations?   work was documented. I                         are a potential target. That's
                                       ended up spending around   I did the documentary as a   why the UN bombing was a
               After the bombing, the   two months in Baghdad,   completely independent,   watershed - in that at the time
               United Nations took a very   with a break in Jordan in the   journalistic project. The only   it was the largest, deliberate-
               low profile in Iraq. They   middle of it. Most of my   condition - one which I   ly targeted attack against
               didn't want to attract atten-  time was spent in the Green   readily agreed to - was that   civilian aid workers.
               tion to what they were doing   Zone - where the UN head-  UN security could view the
               for obvious security reasons.   quarters was moved after the   final product to make sure   I wanted above all to pay
               But eventually, I think a   2003 bombing, but I mana-  that none of the footage   tribute to the courage and
               decision was made that it   ged to get on a helicopter   actually put staff in danger.   dedication of many UN and
                                       trip up to Erbil in northern
               w 	                                             In the end, I was only asked   NGO workers around the
               important for people to   Iraq, where the UN was in   to make a few small chan-  world who put themselves at
               know more about the UN's   the process of expanding its   ges. I hope the documentary   risk, as they try to help
               role there - and eventually I   operation there. I'd been   is interesting to all people   improve the lives of people
               was given permission to go   hoping to go out on convoys   who are involved with the   wherever they live.
               out there in late 2005. I   with the UN, but because of   UN, or in the aid industry
               went out during the period   the security situation, there   generally.   Francis Mead
               when the UN was advising   were virtually no convoys                    520 West 2l8 St, Apt lB
               on 	                                            One of the points I wanted to   New York, New York
                                       outside the Green Zone at
               drafting of a new constitu-  this time. I also employed a   make is that the world gene-  10034, USA
               tion for the country, and also   local Iraqi crew to do some   rally has become much   (001) 212 942 9377
               helping prepare for a natio-  filming for me in Baghdad.   more dangerous for aid wor-
               nal referendum on the   They did a good job - inter-  kers. I could have made a
               constitution. I got a warm   viewing two Iraqi families,   similar


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