Page 24 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 24
World Trade Centers Association
goes new ways to promote trade
and peace
OSLO Conference on Peace mediator. WTCA President ning to the stage. They were
and Trade co-hosted by Guy Tozzoli then spoke joined by Ms Liv Monica
WTCA and WTC Oslo was about the WTCA and how Stubholt, state secretary,
attended by about 200 the association's work Norwegian Ministry for
participants from the busi- contributes to world peace. Foreign affairs who challen-
ness community, Held in Asis Sadat of WTC Kabul ged the connection between
Oslo's famous City Hall, spoke movingly on how his peace and trade. Her argu-
where the Noble Peace Price team is developing business ments which focused on labor
is awarded annually, ambas- opportunities and education issues and profits for multina-
sadors, government officials, youth as a mean to offer a tional corporations were coun-
business leasers and others hopeful future and alternati- tered by data presented my Mr
heard speakers from the ve to terrorism. He was fol- Hegre and Mr Griswold and
business world and acade- lowed by Vijay Kalantru of by the personal experience of
mia comment on the close WTC of Mumbai describing other panelists. The conferen-
connection between peace how international trade has ce ended with considerable
and trade. helped stabilize relations applause and with suggestions
between India and Pakistan. from the audience that the
The conference was opened Dan Gnsworld presented an WTCA repeat this event
by the Commissioner overview of the connection annually.
Annette Wig Bryn of the between peace and trade as
City of Oslo and Mr Svenn reflected in his work at the
Kristiansen, deputy major, Cato Institute and Havard
Per Saxegaard of WTC Oslo Hegre of the International
> welcomed the attendees. He Peace Institute of Oslo offe-
then introduced former red considerable statistical
E Norway Prime Minister and data demonstrating that as
0 President of the Oslo Centre trade between countries
increases, the like hood of
C for Peace and Human Rights aggression diminished.
Kjell Magne Bondevik as
0 the first speaker and Jean
C.) Egeland, former UN Under- The last part of the program
w Secretary General for was lively panel discussions
Humanitarian Affairs as the with all the speakers retur-
22 3 2007 Diva
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