Page 19 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 19

Security Council?       There are, of course, other  graphic, social, educational,   better understanding of the
                                     elements that should be  cultural. It is of crucial impor-  world and having established
             It is a very good question   looked at and maybe  tance that these programmes   several new relationships. We
             We have a very good working   enhanced, but this is a very  are implemented successfully.   are now in a good position to
             relationship with practically  valuable asset that has been  It takes time and one has to be   try to utilize them for the
             all of the delegations, heads of  developed over the years by  careful because the worst   benefit of our own country
             the 	                                                                   and for the international com-
                                and  the international community.  thing is to waste money.
             permanent representatives.  The idea is that we should try  Unfortunately, Russia can be   munity.
             We have fun even during  to make it more and more  the kind of country that is not
             some very tense discussions  effective.         careful about how money is   Q: How many hours a day
             among the Permanent Five on                     spent -- and it can then   do you work?
             some thorny issues -- jokes  Q: The UN has been  disappear into the sand.
             and pulling each others' legs.   criticized for being ineffi-           I seldom leave the office
             The atmosphere is very good.   cient with far too much  Secondly, I think that we are   before 9 p.m. Sometimes I
             Really, the lines of communi-  bureaucracy. What is your  going to see a continued   must attend a dinner, and then
             cations are open and nobody  opinion?           enhancement of Russia's   I come back here to do some
             is hiding a knife behind his or                 international profile. The   work and return home at 11
             her back. So you can really  Everybody should always be  good news for the inter-  p.m. or even later. Now I
             communicate and deal with  criticized for not being  national community is that   think things are improving
             people. It's an excellent  effective. This way you  Russia is thinking very much   and I'm trying to organize
             atmosphere!             provide incentives to examine  in co-operative ways. We are   something better for my col-
                                     your method of operation.  not pushing our own agenda   leagues. I told them that they
             Q: It is also secret!   This is something we are very  anywhere. Of course, we have   have to get back to their fami-
                                     mindful about. Let me tell  our interests, we have our   lies before midnight and we
             Yes, it is! But I'm sure you can   you that right now we are dis-  neighbours, but we do not   are trying to make this work!
             talk with people who are  cussing the initiative of the  have any ulterior hidden
             present in consultations, and  UN Secretary-General to  motives. We are not working   Q:
             they can tell you that all this  reform the Department of  against anybody. We are   Ambassador, what do you
             happens in very good  P e a c e -  trying to build as broad an          do when you have some
             humour. There are no hard  keeping Operations. We have  international co-operation as   time off?
             feelings and people do not  our experts sitting on various  possible in each case to tackle
             take things personally. This  committees looking at this  the serious problems that   Well, I try to play some ten-
             does not affect personal and  very carefully and making  confront us. This is good   nis, walk or go to a concert.
             working relationships at all.  sure that no unnecessary  news for the international   One of my colleagues here is
             As I said, it is a very good  positions are created. That's  community and it can be very   a helicopter pilot, but unfortu-
             atmosphere.             the mechanisms and that's  comfortable with Russian   nately I cannot brag that I
                                     why it has taken so long. The  diplomats under such cir-  have such an exotic hobby! I
             Q: Some of your colleagues   SG made a proposal several  cumstances.    do not even travel much -- too
             have told me that they think  months ago, and then they                 busy. This is ajob where your
             multilateralism is in danger.  started looking at the finer  Q: So Russia is a rising   mind is preoccupied with so
             Do you share their point of  points and cutting out things  star?       many things.
             view?                   that are not necessary, not
                                     rational, avoiding duplication,  We are in a much better shape
             No, I do not think so. We  etc. This is something that  than we were ten years ago.
             experienced a uni-polar world  should continue to happen in  The financial and economic
             after the end of the Cold War,  the United Nations.   situation is much better, but
             and I think that people now                     also I think about the
             realise that it has pretty much   Q: Looking at the recent  experience gained
             failed. Given the dynamics of  history of your country, it  over the last fifteen
             the world, we need to work in   may be said that Russia is  years. After all, it was
             multilateral fora. There is  back in the international  an unexpected deve-
             simply no other way! No  arena. Where would you  lopment for Russia. It
             solution can be achieved by  like to see your country in  took a while to adapt
             the rule of one or two powers.   the near future?   to the geopolitical
             This is simply not possible!                    environment in which
                                     I think that this is absolutely  we found ourselves to
             First of all, I think that the  accurate. We are, of course,  adapt, to see what the
             importance of the United  very fortunate that the  limitations were for
             Nations should not be  economic situation has  our co-operation with
             underestimated as it is doing   improved. This has enabled  some countries. I think
             many important things. There   the government to put  this is a combination
             are eighteen or nineteen  together a number of very  both of our newly
             peacekeeping missions alone.  serious programmes: demo-  acquired strength, a

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