Page 18 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 18

a lot of time on Security  work: decisions carefully   immediate
                                                                                      Then, the prerogatives of the
              Council (SC) matters. We are   thought through; maintaining   Andrei Denisov, coined the   current permanent members
              closely involved in preparing  the unity of the SC. This, at   phrase "20+". What this "+"   should not be in any way be
              virtually all decisions of the  least in our mind, has a very   means remains to be seen, but   changed or weakened. This is
              SC. It is a kind of an open  high price. All the time, we   certainly if the SC were made   a very firm position for all
              secret that, in many cases, the  are trying to make sure -- if it   too big, it would really put a   permanent
              first resolution of the SC is  is at all possible -- that we can   strain on its functioning. Let   Sometimes people try to limit
              discussed by the Permanent  generate consensus in the SC.   me explain. One of the things   the veto power. We are not
              Five and then placed before  It does not always happen, but   that many people outside the   going to accept this.
              the rest of the Council.  at least we try.     United Nations do not realize
              Sometimes some other                           (I did not know it either) is   I think it's very important to
              countries are also involved in  Q: There is a lot of talk   how much time is spent on   develop a reform formula for
                                                                                      the SC that will not divide the
              these initial discussions. For  about reforming the   consultations.
              instance, when we were  Security Council. What   outside the Council can   United Nations. You cannot
              working on the North Korean  kind of Security Council   appreciate this work. The   simply adopt a formula that
              nuclear problem, Japan was  would, in your opinion, be   very positive and interesting   only satisfies a two-thirds
              then a Member of the SC and  ideal?             thing about it is that there are   majority. We think that there
              was involved as the sixth                       real discussions and you can   must be a formula that
              participant in this rather  First of all, we accept that the   feel your arguments making a   receives the approval of the
              complex process. On the  SC must be reformed. It must   difference. On an important   over-whelming majority of
              Iranian nuclear issue,  be enlarged because there are   issue, everybody wants to   the members of the United
              Germany is involved even  a number of absent countries   speak, so you can imagine the   Nations. We should not
              though they are not at this  who would seem to have a   time spent if you have thirty   divide people on this issue but
              point a member of the SC, but  strong case to be regular   members on the Council.   rather unite them. Generally
              there is a format of six and we  members of the SC. However;   Even with fifteen members   speaking, this is my
              have maintained this format  you cannot have them all!   we sometimes spend hours   understanding of the dyna-
              when we prepare resolutions.   One of the requirements in the   discussing the wording of a   mics of reforming the
                                      SC is to be effective in terms   short statement or a   Security Council.
              This implies that there is a lot   of it working habits. The SC   decision, so "20+' would
              of work and a lot of responsi-  must therefore remain   definitely create a difficult   Q: What is the atmosphere
              bility. The stakes are high and  compact, but we do not have a  situation in terms of   like among the other
              you need to make things  specific 	                                     ambassadors on the
                                                              working conditions.
                 16 32007 Diva

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