Page 17 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 17

European countries, but  to show up and tell people  Q:  In  your capacity as   of conflict situations. It is
              without any troops. They did  about all the good things the  Ambassador to the United   very important to try to fmd a
              have a Secretary-General  Council was doing in those  Nations, what do you   way for us to solve them or at
              though. Anyway, this was  areas. So I visited a lot of  consider the main areas of   least bring the matter closer to
              only to show you that it was  interesting places, like  interest for the Russian   a solution. If we were to be
              quite important at that time.   Spitsbergen, 	                          successful in that, then things
                                                   Greenland,  Federation today?
                                      Alaska ...  I was also on the                   could be improved in the
              Then, of course, came Canada  Barents Council.   I will give my personal   world. Unfortunately, we are
              which was rather different                      opinion, as I do not think one   not there yet, even though we
              from Belgium. Canada is a  Now I'm in New York! It is a  can easily identify the most   do sometimes make progress
                                                       place.  important matters. Russia is a
              very big, beautiful country  very 	                                     in some areas.
              and I covered it from East to  Professionally, it is very  global power and a permanent
              West, and from North to  interesting but definitely the  member of the Security   Then, of course, comes some-
              South -- often driving myself  most demanding too. The  Council, where we are   thing for which Russia was
              long distances from one point  special thing about New York  supposed to be dealing with   one of the founding fathers
              to another. For Russia,  that I did not realize before  all issues. Some of them are   and that is the anti-terrorist
              Canada is a very important  (although in the past I had the  closer to our concerns, others   dimension of the UN
              country because there is an  opportunity to attend  go beyond them. I would say   activities. There are various
              important Northern dimen-  meetings of the General  that the main interest for   committees dealing with the
              sion to our co-operation.  Assembly when I accompa-  Russia, given its responsibili-  problems of terrorism, and
              Canada is a G8 member  nied various Foreign  ty as a permanent member of   this is something that is very
              country too, so there is addi-  Ministers), you really get the  the Security Council, is to   important for Russia. Then
              tional contact when some  feeling of being "in the  make sure that all avenues are   come all other aspects of UN
              important things happen.   world" when you sit on the  explored to settle the most   activities   --   economic,
                                      Security Council or in the  difficult international pro-  environmental -- all of them
              Then, after leaving Canada,  General Assembly. When you  blems that exist.   are important for Russia.
              my main preoccupation was  talk to people in the corridor,
              chairing the Arctic Council.  you immediately know about  The Security Council is   Q: The Russian Federation
              To my surprise, I had to carry  things happening in far away  dealing with the Middle East,   is one of the P5 nations. On
              the flag of the Arctic Council  places, which people do not  the Iranian nuclear issue,   a personal front, what does
              all over the world because  often think about in Russia or  various problems on the   this imply for you and your
              wherever people discussed  other countries. It is  African continent -- Darfur is   colleagues?
              climate change or indigenous  fascinating.      perhaps the most prominent
              populations, I was supposed                     one. There is this whole area   It implies that we spend quite

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