Page 12 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 12
"a peace-keeper and she is a
Interview with Jane Holl Lute
Assistant Secretary-General and Officer-in-Charge of the
Department of Field Support, a new department created to work
with the Department of Peace-keeping Operations (DPKO).
She is an American, Q: You are Assistant
dynamic, positive Secretary-General for
woman - and if Peace-keeping Operati-
ever you get a ons. But you started
chance to meet her, your career in the US
we hope that you Army, what exactly did
you do there?
only does she have I was commissioned in the
has an impressive Signal Corps, Communi-
CV -- after a distin- cations, and then I spent a
guished career in lot of time in political
the United States military affairs.
Army, Ms Lute has
occupied several Q: You have an impres-
senior posts in sive career ... and a
major foundations family. How do you
engaged in interna- manage all this?
tional affairs, as
well as on the staff I come from a family where
of the United States women have traditionally
National Security Council; women, Ms Lute is mar- worked and had children. My
Executive Vice-President ried and has three child- grandmother worked until her
and Chief Operating ren. What more can one 80s and she had seven children.
Officer of the United say My mother worked when she
Nations Foundation and could and had seven children. I
the Better World Fund; After the interview was have worked since I was 13
Executive Director of the over and just before lea- years old and I have three
Association of the United ving her office, Ms Lute children -- so I guess I do not
States Army's project on told us on a smiling note know how to answer that
the role of American that this had been one of question!
Military Power. If this were the most difficult inter-
not enough, she has hea- views she had ever gran- Q: Let me put it this way.
ted to anybody.. and that In Europe where I come
it was the last time she from women have
was going to talk about problems
Preventing combining
Conflict and was a senior herself -- so read it well. family life and careers.
public policy fellow at the Perhaps you will unders- How do you reconcile
Woodrow Wilson Centre tand that this is a woman this?
for International Scholars, unlike many others with a
and director of European humble, open and human Somebody once told me that
Affairs in the National attitude. If only we could there are two kinds of women -
Security Council staff at meet such people more -working women and women
the White House. Unlike often who work. From far away you
many brilliant career cannot tell them apart, but once
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