Page 9 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 9

means that when you     taking into
              receive a certificate from   account the
              UNITAR, it will also    demands pla-
              correspond to one from   ced on UN!-
              another institution like a   TAR, our
              major university -- MIT,   areas of focus
              Yale, Institut des Etudes   are: interna-
              Politiques de Paris, etc. This   tional affairs
              will give it a totally different   and diploma-
              meaning. It will not just be   cy training;
              UNITAR promoting a      local gover-
              centre of excellence; it will   nance; envi-
              be equivalent to the    ronment;
              diploma, the certificate   development
              issued by the associated   mostly rela-
              institution. That, of course,   ted to trade;
              is a challenge, and we will   and
              need to transform structures   management.
              to reach that type of   Those are the
              standard. But I am familiar   priorities at this moment,   UNITAR. They will provide   could be very attractive for
              with academia from my   but we will expand into   the two- or three-day   major universities.
              own career and I know   other areas because our   presential part, following
              enough about the UN to   focus is not theme but   our guidance and our   I. Association with the UN
              understand that this is   methodology. We are   development content and   at no cost. We offer a link
              perfectly possible. UNITAR   paying attention to those   structure. To be accredited   with the UN without asking
              has the advantage of being   areas because there is a   you must pass through this   them for any money and
              financially strong, so it is   demand for them. If demand   stage.      that makes it interesting for
              possible to proceed from the   gravitates 	                             them.
              position that UNITAR    education or health, we will   0: How are you going   2. UNITAR is already a
              already has.            follow.                 to ensure that top uni-  cutting-edge institution in
                                                              versities are ready to   terms of knowing about the
              Q: Are you going to     UNITAR will expand by   collaborate with you?   demand for short-term
              develop closer relation-  adopting new technologies                     professional training on UN
              ships with UNESCO,      as far as possible. A lot of   I think that it is going to   related areas. Universities
              the UN organization for   things will be done online,   work. First contact is with   are much slower in reacting
              education, science and   and the presential part will   institutions with whom we   to this demand. For
              culture?                complement online training.   are already collaborating.   instance, they might have a
                                      But it will not just be online,   We are not starting from   very interesting course
              Of course, we will work   because according to some   scratch. UNITAR already   equivalent to a masters on
              with UNESCO. UNESCO     studies and according to   has lots of combined   climate change. However,
              has an e-learning platform   experience, that is not   programmes with a number   they might not know how to
              that we can use for dissemi-  enough. You need to have a   of reputable universities,   associate climate change
              nating our courses, but we   combination of online and   including
                                                                                      with the framework
              are not necessarily going to   presential training. People   Switzerland such as the   document that has been
              work with UNESCO        should meet teachers, while   Ecole Polytechnique in   requested by the conven-
              because of its responsibility   learners should interact with   Lausanne
                                                                                      tion. We know how to do
              for education, science and   each other. Knowledge does   University of Geneva. We   that! We have something to
              culture. UNESCO is more   not pass only through vir-  also have contacts with a   offer to them, which is the
              concerned with educational   tual communication. You   number of other universi-  latest cutting-edge know-
              standards, policies, etc., and   need human communica-  ties, such as Yale or the   ledge. They will know about
                                                                                      the practical things that are
              not necessarily focusing on   tion as well.     Institut
              adult education activities                      Politiques in Paris. Another   being taught. But our
              per se. We are going to   So how do we handle that?   contact has been made with   courses are not masters.
              specialize in adult training.   By accrediting institutions   the British Open University,   They are to the point, a kind
              If UNESCO is interested in   to the UNITAR network.   because they have a very   of collaboration on demand
              our methodology, they will   For the most part, we will   large e-learning platform.   for the beneficiaries who
              become one of our partners.   set up or consolidate                     want to know something
              We will have partnerships   connections with centres in   What are we ;proposing that   immediately, but are not
              with as many UN organiza-  developing countries that   might be of interest to them?   interested in an academic
              tions as we can. Right now,   will be accredited to   We propose three things that   career. Universities have
                                                                                                   3 2007 Diva 7

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