Page 11 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 11

term plan covers the bien-  open to diplomats and   UNITAR.              be quite exciting for the
             nium 2008-2009.          other officials. What                           international community.
                                      about UN staff?         Q: Do you have a spe-
             Q: How do you promote                            cial message for the    Q: Do you also want to
             your programmes?         Our courses are for benefi-  international communi-  be more involved with
                                      ciaries in Member States.   ty in Geneva?       the Geneva academic
             Mainly through our website,   Sometimes they are directed                community?
             but also through our     to people working in a parti-  One of the things I am real-
             catalogue 	                                      ly looking forward to is to   Correct! I have the advan-
                                      cular area such as minis-
             regularly to diplomatic   tries, etc. Sometimes they   make UNITAR known as a   tage of knowing the acade-
             missions, and through the   are tailor-made correspon-  major training institution to   mic environment in Geneva
             various branches of the   ding to the request of a   Geneva International, some-  quite well, with a respecta-
             organization. We are going   Member State, but there are   thing that is known and   ble network of contacts. I
             to develop a more powerful   also courses that are open to   contributes to the debate --  have already been in touch
             website capable of       anybody in the world. Of   not just for training. I belie-  with all the major players,
             presenting our courses in a   course, they have to go   ve that for an organization   and I think that we are going
             much more attractive way   through the selection pro-  of our size, Geneva really   to do a lot of things with the
             so as to increase the number   cess. This is, for instance,   does not know about us. We   academic institutions of
             of "hits".               the case of the course on   need to change that. Thus,   Geneva.
                                      peace-keeping. That's one of   we are looking forward to a
             We have, for instance, an   the reasons why the demand   project that gives us high   Q: What about the rest
             online training course on   is so high.          visibility. We are working   of the world? Can they
             peace-keeping and we get                         carefully with UNOG on   contact you too?
             about 50,000 requests per   However, there is one limi-  launching a series of public
             annum for this one alone.   tation -- there is no training   lectures every two months   Absolutely! We are open for
             So, you see, people know   for UN staff. They have to   on global topics that will   business ... Please contact:
             about it.                go to the Staff College in   constitute our contribution,
                                      Turin or a training     but will also make us more
             Q: These courses are     department   --  not to   visible. I think it is going to

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