Page 15 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 15

I never think in these terms.
            The purpose of peace-
            keeping is to protect and
            strengthen a fragile peace. It
            is a tremendous challenge,
            an incredibly challenging
            undertaking. We rely on
            Member States to contribute
            with troops, to agree to the
            funding, to provide political
            support and context -- other-
            wise we cannot succeed.
            The success of peace-
            keeping is remembering
            some important principles.
            We provide forces to bear
            the peace-keeping role, but
            the mission force cannot do
                                     George Cristian Major (left), Secretary of State and Head of the Department for Euro -Atlantic Integration
            all the things that have to be   and Defense Policy of Romania, signs the Memorandum of Understanding "UN Standard Arrangements
            done. While the UN is an   System - Rapid Deployment Level - Romanian Mechanized Infantry Company". At right is Jane Hall Lute,
            important contributor to   Assistant Secretarv-Generalfbr Peacekeeping Operations.  CREDIT— UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
            peace in the aftermath of a   I would take a different   me of two concepts in   How about dignifying the
            conflict, not everything can-  point of view. You try to live   Judaism -- called  mismena   effect rather than looking at
            not be done by us. There is   your life and conduct it in a   and kontenten2a -- one is the   the whole!
            plenty of work for NGOs   way that reflects the ideals   "intent" and the other is the
            and others. We have to   and the highest aspirations   "deed". We are coming to an   Thus, I do not present
            remember the principle of   of the organization. Let me   era where you only get   myself as an example to
            the light footprint -- the   tell you that we are dealing   credit for the deed if the   anybody. My responsibility
            global North is committed   with really large and com-  intent is right. So you get   is to my children. People
            to standards. We need to   plex problems, and we are   graded on what you did and   may draw their own
            remember dignity, respect   only human beings. We are   how you were motivated --  conclusions. I have far too
            and honour for the societies   not robots; we are doing the   shame on us! Shame on us!   much respect for my
            in which we are serving in.   best we can. I will give you   Have we come so far, have   colleagues to think that I
            This is the kind of business   a good illustration.   we moved so far away from   will be an example to them.
            where we demonstrate that                        our own humanity to forget   If anything, it would be the
            the world can pool it    I have just been to Darfur,   that we are human beings   reverse because they do not
            strengths to share its   Sudan. One of our collea-  and we are not going to be   get the attention that I
            burdens.                 gues there had set up a small   perfect? It is better that those   receive -- and they deserve
                                     mini-golf course and he was   who expect perfection do   it. That's a special privilege
            So when you ask me about   teaching a couple of young   not come to the meeting! Or   of my position. Power is
            me -- it's never about me!   kids to play. One morning   that they should arrange   not position; it's privilege!
                                     we were out there hitting   perfection before coming to
            Q: But you are contribu-  balls and swinging golf   the meeting!         Q: So what is power
            ting?                    clubs, and I said to myself--                    then?
                                     is this really what we are   At this point in my life, I am
            We should never lose sight   supposed to be doing in   far slower to judge the   The privilege of power is to
            of the fact that we are all   Darfur? And then, I thought   effort, the intent that people   do good. I tell my children:
            contributing, and it's an   to myself, the guy who   make their own. If the effect   "Never think that you have
                                     organized this has been out
            extraordinary 	                                  is right, I accept it because   been born into an enor-
            Never for a minute do I   in Darfur for two years. He   the world needs a better   mous privilege of the
            forget the fact that a peace-  set this up to give himself a   effect. I'm not going to grade   Western world; you just got
            keeper's success depends on   little mental recreation, a   people on what ultimately   lucky."
            what I am able to do, on   little relaxation. He also   would be Western standards
            what people are able to do   sells hats and uses the   of intent, Western sets of
            on my behalf             money to provide the kids   principles. Again, if we are
                                     with education and to teach   all about results and
            Q: So you serve as a     them golf. So I said to   effectiveness, what about
             good example?           myself, we are not robots.   the human element? How
                                     We are people. It reminds   about honouring the spirit?

                                                                                                 32007 Diva 13

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