Page 23 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 23

to extremely wealthy per-  wish what would it he?
             sons. For each of these                                   Who to contact:
             different levels we have   UBS is the main bank
             different services and pro-  for Geneva intematio-           UBS Vermont-Nations
             ducts.                  nals and we would, of
                                     course, like it to remain
             At UBS you have, in fact,   so, and to reinforce it
                                                                           UBS ONU / UN
             access to a huge number   even more. We have
             of services. The global   many advantages for
             presence of the bank also   Geneva internationals:
                                                                             UBS CERN
             gives us the chance to   we have adapted oursel-
             offer specific products.   ves to their situation; we
             We have spoken quite a   have established strong
             lot about taxation issues,   links to them; and we      UBS Cointrin (Airport)
             but we also have clients   pursue our efforts to be          022/306.14.88
             who have special        even better. We are wor-
             concerns when it comes   king on it every day. In            UBS OMC / WTO
             to investments correspon-  today's changing world,           022/909.12.88
             ding to their religious   you cannot take any-
             convictions. For instance,   thing for granted and we      UBS Petit-Saconnex
             investments for a person   would like to be better           022/749.20.11
             of the Muslim faith would   and better improved and
             have to match certain reli-  the best advisor in the         UBS OMS / WHO
             gious criteria. We are able   international communi-         022/929.15.11
             to propose several      ty. We wish to continue
             solutions to them.      be your privileged
                                                                           UBS BIT / ILO
             Q: Finally, if you have a

                You & Us                                     UBS key facts

                                                             Performance indicators
                "You & Us" reflects the spirit of the way
                                                             :tui3r e .q.ty  i.   ;'
                we do business. We work in a true partner-
                ship with our clients, taking the time to     Hijte 	                            -
                                                                  e'nns pr   snare
                understand their individual needs and             n. — 	atic              69.7
                aspiFations, and enabling them to make
                                                             't   r1cne','(C.'iFtQr.'    151.7
                confident financial decisions. We then
                draw on the resources   and skills of our    Financials
                entiie global organization to piovide the             r:                47,171   39,896
                most appropliate financial solutions. And                                32,782  27,704
                we deliver this in a highly personalised
                and professional way.                                                    11,249   9442
                                                             - 	 2,751                           2,783
                                                                     !C1F  ''/C)2

                                                               v5C 		 2,632
                                                                     ;e:  CFo')
                                                                     iI 	 154,222  13,949
                                                                                        27,018  25,028
                                                               st cf  Europe 'Mi;Ie Eav ard-Africa  12,687   11,007
                                                                                         30,819   27,136
                                                                                         7,616   5,398
                                                                                         78,140  6,569
                                                               3" cc'n. '  	ratns.

                                                                                                  32007 Diva 21

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