Page 25 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 25

Trade Centres

                         A Powerful New Force in Public


                                                                                      the mission of the World
            Most of us see World Trade
                                                                                      Trade Centers Association,
            Center buildings as towe-
                                                                                      which combines trade deve-
            ring real estate monuments
                                                                                      lopment with an interest in
            adoring the skies of the
                                                                                      promoting peaceful relations
            capital cities from conti-
                                                                                      among countries.
            nent to continent. They are
            hubs of activity between
                                                                                      The Buckwandaechuppe
            foreign exchange specia-
                                                                                      was created in Bukwan,
            lists, global trade mana-
            gers, government invest-                                                  Korea about 500 years ago
            ment promotions officials                                                 to celebrate Korea's resistan-
            and a complementary web                                                   ce to an invasion by Japan.
            of transportation, logistical,                                            About 100 years ago, the
                                                                                      Japanese returned to occupy
            marketing and international
             finance executives.                                                      Korea, and in 1904, this
                                                                                      invaluable symbol of sove-
                                                                                      reignty and pride was taken
             Upon closer review, World
             Trade Centers are more                                                   from Korea by the occu-
             than just real estate or even                                            pying Japanese governor.
             symbols of man's interest                                                The artifact was sent to the
                                                                                      Emperor of Japan where it
             in transacting business. The
                                                                                      remained for over a century.
             World Trade Centers
                                                                                      Over the years, many
             Association (WTCA) is a
             powerful compact of indi-                                                Korean cultural groups
             viduals and institutions that                                            sought the return of the arti-
             develop and manage World                                                 facts to Korea without suc-
             Trade Centers, (WCs) that                                                cess. In 1999, these groups
             understand the covenants                                                 asked the Norwegian Nobel
                                                                                      Peace Committee to assist in
             of global trade, foreign
                                                                                      effectuating the artifact's
             investment as well as cultu-
             ral understanding and                                                    return.
             peace. For without a func-
                                     several hundred times on a   is a vast heritage recovery   In its wisdom and unders-
             tioning knowledge and
                                     global scale to understand   movement underway across   tanding of the power of
             appreciation of the cultures
                                     the power of the WTC net-  Asia. Starting with Japan   World Trade Centers
             of people of other nations,
                                     work. Its ability to reach all   and both Koreas, from   Association and the deep
             there is no basic for long-
             term international trade and   levels of government and   China to India, to the Middle   personal interest of the
                                     society throughout the   East, a new mood is promo-  WTCA President, the Nobel
             investment. The business
                                     world gives promise to the   ting states to make a greater   Committee asked Mr
             leaders behind this network
                                     WTCA's new role in public   effort to stop works of art   Tozzoli to serve as mediator
             of facilities embrace their
                                     diplomacy. This was     from being illicitly exported.   to those concerned parties.
             role in bridging relations
                                     demonstrated most recently   Mr Tozzoli saw in the return   Subsequently, the groups
             between people of other
             nations. Think for a    by the WTCA's President,   of Bukwandaechuppe not   asked Mr Tozzoli to repre-
             moment about the amalga-  Mr Guy Tozzoli.       only an opportunity to cor-  sent them in negotiations for
                                                             rect a cultural injustice but   the transfer of the artifact to
             mation of immense
                                     Mr Tozzoli led the efforts   to initiate increase commu-  North Korea. Also involved
             amounts if investor capital,
             and trade development   to return the revered   nication and understanding   with Mr Tozzoli's efforts
             organizations required to   Buckwandaechuppe arti-  among three nations invol-  were Ban Ki-Moon, current-
             develop just one of these   fact from Japan to Korea.   ved: Japan, North Korea and   ly United Nations Secretary
                                     This was a historic oppor-  South Korea. This objective
             projects. Multiply this                                                  General, South Korean
                                     tunity at a time when there   is entirely in keeping with   Prime Minister Lee Hae
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