Page 26 - DIVA_3_2007_No.30
P. 26

Chan and North Korean     Machu Piccu artifacts from   Centers around the world
                                 President of the Supreme   a 1914 expedition most    expanded their public diplo-
                                 People's 	                                           macy role. In 2000, led by
                                                           recently in the hands of Yale
                                 Presidium Kim Yong Nam.   University. Last year in the   Mr Tozzoli, the World
                                 The transfer was discussed   United States, Illinois State   Cultural Assets Exchange
                                 at a meeting in Jakarta,   Museum returned an artifact   Foundation (WCAF) was
                                 Indonesia in 2005. This led   to Kenya. It is believed that   established. The Foundation
                                 to further talks at the 15th   this is the first time that a   uses the vast network of the
                                 Korea Cabinet-level mee-  foreign museum has retur-  WTC's to identify areas and
                                 ting in Seoul.            ned an African artifact to its   opportunities where it can
                                                           rightful owners. Hopefully   be of assistance, working in
                                 On November 17, 2005 the   this will set a precedent for   close cooperation with the
                                 National Grand Ceremony   the return of other African   appropriate and other
                                 in Seoul was held to celebra-   artifacts held in foreign   assents to their original set-
                                 te 			                                               tings. Under Mr Guy
                                                           museums. African govern-
                                 Buckwandacchuppe from     ments are petitioning inter-  Tozzoli's leadership the
                                 Japan. Then, the artifact was   national courts for return of   Cultural Assets Exchange
                                 eventually transported to   their national treasures. As   Foundation will also promo-
                                 Kukan, it's original place in   China grows in power, there   te the general exchange of
                                 North Korea in early 2007   is movement to reclaim and   cultural artifacts as a way of
                                 for an international festival   restore the relics that sym-  encouraging increased inter-
                                 in 2008 a historical event to   bolized China's ancient cul-  national understanding of
                                 which many peace loving   ture and heritage that have   the world's cultures and the
                                 countries will dispatch dele-  been scattered throughout   sharing of ideas that leads to
                                 gates. In this instance, the   the world through centuries   respect, friendship and rela-
                                 government of Japan must   of trade and conflict. Less   tions that are good for busi-
                                 be given gull credit for their   powerful countries have had   ness.
                                 appreciation of the delicate   limited success in regaining
                                 balance between North     their treasured artifacts   To learn more about Mr Guy
                                 Korea, South Korea, other   through auctions, buying   Tozzzoli, World Trade
                                 powers throughout the     back artifacts that were pre-  Centers Association and the
                                 Asian continent and the rest   viously stolen or removed   World Cultural Assents
                                 of the world.             from within their borders.   Exchange Foundation;
                                 The world is watching.    In recognition of the      World Trade Centers
                                 Pooling their resources and   concerns of citizens of many   Association
                                 diplomatic clout, Greece   nations to recoup symbols   World Cultural Assets
                                 and Italy plan to forge a for-  of national pride and heri-  Exchange
                                 mal alliance to pursue the   tage along with the success-
                                 return of ancient artifacts   ful return of the
                                 from museums in other     Buckwandaechuppe artifact,
                                 nations. Peru seeks the   Mr Tozzoli and the leaders-
                                 return of the collection of   hip of the World Trade

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