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P. 22


              Special report of the Ombudsman of Kazakhstan

              on combating domestic violence

              By the Commissioner for Human Rights in Kazakhstan
              Artur lAStAYEV

                                                                     In November 2023, the Office of the Ombudsman
                                                                     held   an   international   scientific-practical
                                                                     conference on combating domestic violence to
                                                                     discuss the causes of this phenomenon and to
                                                                     find ways of preventing it.

                              Protection from domestic violence is one of the   As a result of the event, a package of legislative
                              most important tasks of a socially-oriented state.   amendments was drafted and sent to Parliament.
                              Such  a  phenomenon  not  only  violates  human   In particular, it was proposed to criminalise the
                              rights, but also impedes the development of the   infliction of minor harm to health and battering,
                              family and destroys social values.     and  to  create  a  database  of  complaints  about
                                                                     domestic violence in all authorised bodies.
                              Unfortunately,  violence  in  its  various  forms
                              continues to occur despite the measures taken in   Some amendments were included in the law on
                              all countries.                         women’s  rights  and  children’s  safety  signed  by
                                                                     the Head of State on 15 April this year.
                              The  relevance  and  widespread  of  the  problem   I  also  prepared  and  presented  to  the  public
                              are evidenced by the complaints received by the   «About  combating  family  and  domestic
                              Ombudsman for Human Rights in Kazakhstan.   violence»  special report.
                                                                     This  report  is  an  additional  tool  to  analyse,
                                                                     identify  and  assess  the  extent  and  nature  of
                                                                     domestic violence offences, the effectiveness of
                                                                     measures and victim protection mechanisms. 2
                                                                     The  report  provides  statistics  on  offences,  of
                                                                     which  5,958  were  committed  in  the  domestic
                                                                     violence sphere between 2018 and 2023. At the
                                                                     same  time,  homicides  on  this  ground  account
                                                                     for 23 per cent of the total number of homicides
                                                                     in the country.

                                                                     And despite the general downward trend of such
                                                                     offences over the last 5 years, their number in
                                                                     the  domestic  sphere  remains  approximately  at
                                                                     the same level.

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