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but for meaningful and impactful lives as global
The Learner Passport
Une des innovations majeures de l’école est le
Passeport de l’apprenant-e, qui détaille sept
compétences que chaque élève développe tout au
long de son parcours scolaire, en complément de
ses résultats académiques. Cette approche vise à
éduquer l'enfant dans tous les aspects moraux,
sociaux, intellectuels et physiques.
The whole idea of the passport is to describe
learning not just through academic knowledge
and technical skill alone. Although knowledge
and skills are important, there is much more “L’Ecolint s’inscrit à part entière
to a human being than their academic pathway
– what the world needs is an educational dans le paysage genevois, nous sommes fiers
programme that develops attitudes and values as de faire partie non seulement de la Genève
well as aptitudes and knowledge. internationale mais aussi de notre ville,
canton et République”
These are the seven core areas that the school
aims to develop in each learner: Lifelong
Learning, Self Agency, Interacting with others, Conrad Hughes
Interactively using diverse tools and resources,
Interacting with the world, Multi literateness Directeur général de l’Ecolint
and Transdisciplinarity.
The school has grouped schools and universities of identity, inclusion, advocacy and action
across the world dedicated to this fundamental require not only critical and ethical thinking but
work of redesigning school transcripts in a global awareness, sensitivity to local as well as
Coalition to honour all learning. international dynamics, and an understanding
of the interconnectedness of human behaviour.
Guiding Principles for Learning in the 21st More than ever, intercultural competence,
Century critical thinking, understanding global affairs
True to its spirit of innovation and close ties with and knowing how to work and live peacefully
United Nations Offices, in 2014, after two years of together are essential. Ecolint’s flagship Global
collaboration with the UNESCO's International Citizenship Education (GCE) Course, designed
Bureau of Education, Ecolint launched the with the input of experts from UNOHR and
publication of a key document identifying what UNESCO-IBE, will be implemented in 2024-
is essential for a 21st Century quality education, 2025 for students in four different learning year
the “Guiding Principles for Learning in the 21st levels.
Speaker series - bringing incredible insights to
Global citizenship education embedded in the students
curriculum Ecolint runs a Speakers series through which
Planetary issues such as peace and conflict, the students have been privileged to engage with,
future of the climate, new human geographies and among others, Nobel Prize winners such as Ben
shifting centres of geopolitical power mean that Okri, public intellectuals such as Angela Davis
educational systems need to equip learners with
Fete des sciences and Germaine Greer, world class journalists
the dispositions, skills and knowledge to flourish such as John Pilger, musicians such as Angélique
in a globalised environment where questions Kidjo, Barbara Hendrix and the Afghan Womens’
Library in Geneva
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h