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Orchestra and keynote speakers such as Mario Universal Learning Programme or
Vargas Llosa. International Baccalaureate Primary Years
Programme (depending on campus)
2024-2025 - The school’s centenary year Ecolint’s Universal Learning Programme (ULP),
Prochainement, l'école entamera les célébrations designed in close collaboration with UNESCO's
de son centenaire, qui marqueront toute l’année International Bureau of Education, is offered on
scolaire 2024-2025. La Grande Boissière campus. ULP's educational
approach, devised by leading researchers,
neurology specialists and education programme
experts, is geared towards the development of
skills and in-depth conceptual understanding.
By cultivating these powerful components of
human learning, young students learn not only
to develop strong academic skills, but also to act
for the individual, collective and common good.
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years
Programme is offered at Campus des Nations
and La Châtaigneraie. It fosters the development
of all students, encouraging them to express
themselves, make choices and be architects of
their own learning.
L’Ecolint fêtera son centenaire prochainement, cent ans d’une
éducation pour la paix, une éducation pour la vie. All Ecolint Primary programmes are inspired by
the Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach.
Idyllic settings and state-of-the-art facilities,
Focus on Ecolint’s Primary Schools: the architecture of the campuses is specially
extraordinary learning environments designed to foster excellence in student learning
Ecolint's three Primary Schools cater for children from an early age.
from the age of 3 (or who will reach the age of
3 between 31 August and 31 December of the Forest School
relevant school year).
Enseignement bilingue
L’enseignement est dispensé en anglais et en
français, avec une exposition croissante à la
seconde langue au fil des années. Il n'est pas
nécessaire de maîtriser le français, ou l’anglais
pour participer aux programmes bilingues. En
outre, les enseignements des langues du monde,
à la fois intégrés au programme et comme
activité extrascolaire, permettent aux élèves de
conserver leur langue maternelle. Les langues Learning in the heart of nature encourages
actuellement enseignées sont l'allemand, students to engage in interaction with the natural
l'anglais, l'arabe, le bulgare, le catalan, le world.
chinois, le croate, le danois, l'espagnol, le farsi/
persan, le finnois, le français, le grec, l'hébreu, Learning through play and investigation
le hindi, le hongrois, l'italien, le japonais, le By learning through play and exploration, and by
néerlandais, l'ourdou, le polonais, le portugais, stimulating creative problem-solving, children
le roumain, le russe, le suédois, le tamoul, le develop self-confidence and become reflective,
turc et l'ukrainien. resilient, creative and independent learners.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h