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               in such a multicultural environment profoundly
               enhances students' intercultural competence and
               open-mindedness — core skills that are essential
               for navigating today's complex and challenging

               Birthplace of the International Baccalaureate
               In the mid-1960s, a group of teachers from Ecolint
               created the International Schools Examinations
               Syndicate  (ISES),  which  later  became  the
               International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)
               and then the International Baccalaureate (IB).

               Strong  ties  and  a  common  mission  with   Lord  Mountbatten  presents  the  very  first  International
               International Geneva                     Baccalaureate  diploma  in  the  Ecolint  Greek  Theatre  on  24
               The relationship between the UN and Ecolint is   September 1971.
               historic and stems back to the school’s origins
               when it was founded in 1924. Often referred to
               in its early days as “The League School,” Ecolint
               has always channelled the spirit and ideals of the
               United Nations, embodying principles of global
               cooperation and humanitarian values long before
               the UN itself emerged from the League.

               From its inception, Ecolint has been resolutely
               not-for-profit,  with  humanity  as  its  sole
               beneficiary  rather  than  corporate  shareholders
               or  private  equity  firms.  Article  4  of  Ecolint's
               Charter  emphasises  this  commitment,  stating
               that "“The activity of the school in all fields and
               especially in the field of pedagogy shall be based on
               the principles of equality and solidarity among all
               peoples and of the equal value of all human beings,
               without any distinction of nationality, race, sex,
               language or religion".

               A  significant  milestone  in  the  partnership
               between Ecolint and the United Nations was the   A graduation ceremony nowadays in the Ecolint Greek Theatre.
               creation  of  the  Model  United  Nations  system
               in  1953.  This  simulation  of  UN  protocol  —   General for Education, also served as Director
               resolution setting, debate, voting, and adoption   General.
               or  rejection  —  provides  a  powerful,  concrete
               example of education for peace. Today, thousands   Over  the  decades,  Ecolint  has  remained  the
               of students worldwide participate in the model, a   natural  choice  for  international  civil  servants
               testament to Ecolint's enduring influence.  from  the  United  Nations  and  its  specialised
                                                      agencies,  thanks  to  its  deeply-rooted  values
               Ecolint’s  leadership  has  often  included   and educational approach. Today, over 40% of
               distinguished  figures  from  the  UN.  In  1967,   Ecolint families work for the UN or UN-affiliated
               Professor Irving Berenson, Director of United   institutions, further strengthening these ties.
               Nations  Radio,  was  appointed  Ecolint’s
               Director  General.  In  the  early  1980s,  Leo   Notably,  some  remarkable  UN  figures  have
               Fernig, UNESCO’s former Assistant Director   served  the  Ecolint  community,  including  Kofi

               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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