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                           that of a judge, but rather of a listener, a student, a doctor.  How  do  you  evaluate  the  work  of  the
                           I even went out incognito on the streets of Caracas and  Commission  on  Human  Rights  and  the
                           in  the  supermarkets  to  get  a  “feel”  of  the  average  Human Rights Council?
                           Venezuelans.  Spanish is my mother tongue and I had no  The  Commission  did  a  phenomenal  job  of
                           difficulty in chatting with people, the majority of whom  standard-setting,  drafting  not  only  the
                           attributed their problems not to President Maduro, but  Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but
                           to the siege by the United States.             also the nine core human rights treaties, the
                                                                          Declaration  on  the  Rights  of  Indigenous
                           During  my  visit  I  endured  pressures  in  social  media.  Peoples,  the  Declaration  on  the  illegality  of
                           Some  parties  evidently  expected  me  only  to  confirm  Population  Transfers  and  others.  The
                           reports  of  a  “humanitarian  crisis”  and  the  “logical”  Commission  also  helped  install  the  “treaty-
                           necessity  of  envisaging  a  military  “humanitarian  bodies” and initiated the Special Procedures
                           intervention”.  Some  in  the  Venezuelan  right-wing  did  of   rapporteurs   and   working   groups.
                           not trust me to condemn the Venezuelan government in  Unfortunately,  with  time  it  became  very
                           Trumpian style. I got the spectrum of invective and a  politicized. For instance, the two resolutions
                           few death threats as well. Back in Geneva I gave a press  to  investigate  torture  in  Guantanamo  were
                           conference expressing my preliminary assessment that  defeated  in  2003  and  2004.  No  fact-finding
                           although  there  was  a  serious  economic  crisis  caused  commission was ever appointed to investigate
                           initially by the precipitous fall of the price of petroleum,  the  barbarities  of  “extraordinary  renditions”
                           the  crisis  had  been  aggravated  exponentially  by  the  or  the  “collateral  murder”  of  civilians  by
                           coercive  measures  imposed  by  Obama  and  Trump.  NATO bombardments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
                           Bottom line: lift the illegal “sanctions” and allow normal  The Human Rights Council, established 2006
                           economic relations and financial transactions. This will  to  replace  the  Commission,  is  perhaps  even
                           immediately alleviate the economic crisis, give hope to  more politicized that the earlier body, and it
                           the  suffering  Venezuelan  people,  and  stop  the  has become an arena of gladiators where States
                           unregulated flow of migrants from Venezuela into Brazil,  insult  each  other  instead  of  conscientiously
                           Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.                    discussing how to solve existing problems and
                                                                          prevent future conflagrations.
                           When my report was issued in September 2018, it was
                           largely ignored, because I did not sing the song that was  In your interventions before the Human Rights
                           expected  of  me.  Yet,  the  mission  was  successful  in  Council  as  an  NGO  representative  do  you
                           confidence-building,  enabling  a  positive  working  frequently criticize confrontational politics as
                           relationship between the OHCHR and Venezuela, paving  counter-productive?
                           the way to the invitation of other rapporteurs, the mission  Yes, and to no avail.  I think that no country
                           by  High  Commissioner  Michelle  Bachelet  and  the  has a good human rights record, and that no
                           creation in Caracas of a permanent representation of the  State  or  group  of  States  should  stand  in
                           Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights with  judgment of the others. The world cannot be
                           six  staff  members.  Since  I  had  personally  dealt  with  divided in a Manichaean way into two blocs,
                           Foreign Minister Arreaza, I took the liberty of appealing  the  “democracies”  that  inevitably  have  to
                           to  him  in  December  2018  and  February  2019  for  the  confront the “autocracies”. This is a caricature.
                           release of a German journalist whom I knew and whose  The Council must be as inclusive as possible,
                           release I felt would be a positive gesture. I cannot claim to  and  it  is  absurd  to  try  to  exclude  countries
                           have been the only person behind his release in March  because of their human right violations. Then
                           2019, but I was pleased to learn that Billy Six was back in  everybody  would  have  to  be  excluded.  The
                           Berlin. My findings were subsequently confirmed during  core idea of the United Nations is international
                           the  visit  by  the  United  Nations  Special  Rapporteur  on  solidarity,  how  countries  can  mutually  help
                           unilateral coercive measures, Alena Douhan, in 2021, and  each other in solving the root causes of conflict
                           have been endorsed by Professors Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia  and  human  rights  violations.  Every  country
                           University) and Dan Kovalik (Pittsburgh). What does this  has  its  own  problems  which  can  be  solved
                           tell  us?  Perhaps  that  confrontational  “naming  and  with good will, but the aggressive practice of
                           shaming” and a prioris are unhelpful and that patience  “naming  and  shaming”  frustrates  every
                           and perseverance yield better results than demonization.  attempt  at  cooperation  and  inevitably

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