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                   from  persecution  and  prosecution,  the  as those States being “named”
                   democratization  of  the  media,  the  self-  do  not  recognize  the  legal  or
                   determination  of  peoples,  disarmament  for  moral authority of the person
                   development,  corporate  social  responsibility,  or  institution  doing  the
                   IMF loan conditionalities, etc. I have served as  “naming”.  Special  Procedures
                   president  of  PEN  Centre  Suisse  Romande  need  to  be  reformed,  so  that
                   (2006-9 and again 2013-17) and as a delegate  the  rapporteurs  think  of
                   to  its  Writers  for  Peace  Committee  and  innovative ways of persuading
                   attended  conferences  in  Mexico,  Germany  countries that it is in their own
                   and Slovenia among others. As representative  interest  to  adopt  reforms  that
                   of  several  ngo’s,  including  the  International  will  make  their  populations
                   Human  Rights  Association  of  American  happier.  Rapporteurs  must
                   Minorities, I have spoken at the Human Rights  come  down  from  their  high
                   Council  and  participated  in  countless  side-  horses   and   engage   with
                   events.  One  does  what  one  can,  even  if  the  government  officials  and  not
                   result be limited. It is a matter of conscience.  just  condemn  them  top  down.
                                                          Besides,  that  is  not  at  all  what  the victims want
                   What are your best memories of you time as  or  need.  More  advisory  services  and  technical
                   Chief  of  Petitions  at  the  Human  Rights  assistance should be provided by the Office of the
                   Committee?                             High  Commissioner  for  Human  Rights  and  the
                   The Human Rights Committee has been the  United  Nations  Development  Program  to  help
                   leading  United  Nations  quasi-judicial  treaty  governments  improve  their  human  rights
                   body and over the past 46 years has created a  performance.
                   considerable  corpus  of  jurisprudence  that  is
                   citied in national and international tribunals.  Talk about your mission to Venezuela.
                   On many points we were ahead of the Inter-  I was the first United Nations rapporteur to visit
                   American  and  European  Courts  of  Human  Venezuela in 21 years. My mission in November/
                   Rights, and our decisions have led to legislation  December 2017 resulted in the immediate release
                   reform  in  many  countries.  It  was  and  is  a  of  80  detainees,  including  an  opposition  leader,
                   privilege to be part of a team that drafts legal  Roberto Picon, whose wife and son I had met and
                   texts that are then discussed by the Committee  whose  dossier  I  studied  before  pleading  his  case
                   experts and directly become international law.  personally  with  Foreign  Minister  Jorge  Arreaza.
                   Surely, we have advanced the rights of women  When  in  Venezuela  I  endeavoured  to  see  every
                   and indigenous peoples worldwide, vindicated  person or group who would see me, members of
                   the rule of law, saved hundreds if not thousands  the opposition, the National Assembly, the Chamber
                   of  persons  from  capital  punishment.  of Commerce, the diplomatic corps, the media, the
                   Personally, I enjoyed friendship with several  churches, professors, students, more than 40 NGO
                   experts including Christine Chanet, Elizabeth  representatives,  as  well  as  government  ministers
                   Evatt, Torkel Opsahl, Hipólito Solari Yrigoyen  and officials, whom I pressed for concrete answers
                   and Christian Tomuschat.               to  precise  questions.  I  also  convened  a  meeting
                                                          with all United Nations agencies in Venezuela and
                   What were your most revealing experiences as  proposed new Memoranda of Understanding with
                   Independent Expert?                    the  government  so  as  to  better  navigate  the
                   Perhaps  that,  although  most  experts  have  complications  caused  by  the  unilateral  coercive
                   expertise,  many  are  not  independent.  Most  measures and financial blockades imposed by the
                   rapporteurs toe the line and ultimately do not  U.S.,  which  had  resulted  in  economic  chaos,
                   have the courage to engage in the constructive,  bankruptcies, unemployment, scarcity of foods and
                   non-confrontational work that brings results.  medicines, and mass emigration. I decided not to
                   It seems like most rapporteurs see themselves  hold an end-of-mission press conference, because I
                   as hammers, and all they can do is to hit nails.  needed  time  to  study  and  digest  the  enormous
                   The  very  popular  sport  of  “naming  and  amount  of  information  I  had  received  from  all
                   shaming” has proven to be largely ineffective,  stakeholders. I did not consider my function to be

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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