Page 14 - DIVA_1_2024
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                                   And now we’re talking about you. You’re young.  issues  of  employment  and  their  integration
                                   How is it to be at the centre of this historical  into the economic system of Armenia.
                                   event so early in one’s life? What’s your take
                                   overall on the situation? Is it difficult to be a  You  mentioned  earlier  that  you  are  also  in
                                   diplomat at such a time?               charge of relations with Türkiye. How is that
                                   It  is,  but  it’s  also  important  to  give  a  better  coming along?
                                   legacy  to  future  generations.  I  do  believe  Well, you know that for us it is very important
                                   that  the  page  of  violence  must  be  turned,  that the agreements which are already reached
                                   the  cycle  of  conflict  stopped,  and  that  the  but not realized yet. And, a year and a half ago,
                                   Republic  of  Armenia  should  concentrate  on  more precisely on June 1st, 2022, the special
                                   the development agenda. In order to turn this  envoys of the two countries agreed that the legal
                                   page of the conflict, it’s very important to have  border between Armenia and Türkiye should
                                   just and dignified solutions for all parties.  be  opened  for  third-country  citizens.  Later,
                                                                          this  agreement  was  reconfirmed  on  various
                                   You  know,  for  most  people,  to  see  these  leaders’  levels,  on  ministers’  levels.  Armenia
                                   negotiations,  we  don’t  realise  how  much  has  developed  the  necessary  infrastructure    In September 2024,
                                   work is behind them. And I know that peace  and  we  are  waiting  for  the  Turkish  side  to
                                   negotiations started some time ago. How do  open the border for third-country nationals.
                                   you find the motivation and how do you find  Armenia, after the earthquake in Türkiye, sent
                                   the courage to keep on going, keep on going?  humanitarian aid as well as rescue teams to       it will be 100 years...
                                   The whole government is determined to bring  Türkiye, also using Bilal and crossing the line.
                                   peace and stability to our region. And we’re
                                   serving the people of Armenia.         How is the economic situation in Armenia?
                                                                          We’re  doing  pretty  well.  Last  year,  in  2022,      since Ecolint was created with the groundbreaking, utopian and
                                   What  was  the  reason  for  your  coming  to  we had a double-digit economic growth, over
                                   Geneva?                                12.3 per cent. This year I’m not sure that we’ll         unprecedented mission of providing an international education,
                                   There were two main events held in Geneva  have a double-digit, but it will be close to 10
                                   that  I  took  part  in.  First  one  was  the  75th  percent. There are various reasons, but most
                                   anniversary  of  the  Declaration  of  Human  importantly,  the  Government  is  ensuring       and an education for peace, whilst maintaining rigorous academic
                                   Rights. That happened on 11 and 12 December.  a  free  market  in  Armenia.  We  are  making
                                   And on 13 and 14, it was the Global Refugee  enormous economic reforms to attract foreign       excellence. The mastermind behind the International Baccalaureate,
                                   Forum  taking  place  here  in  Geneva.  We’re  direct investment and working with different
                                   here to talk about the rights of refugees and  partners  in  this  regard,  especially  for  the   our Foundation has become the oldest, largest and most renowned
                                   also  to  present  the  immense  work  that  the  countries that are interested in strengthening
                                   government  of  Armenia  has  already  done  the resilience of Armenia. It’s important that     educational entity of its kind.
                                   and what we are planning to do to address the  they encourage their businesses to come and
                                   needs  of  refugees  forcefully  displaced  from  invest in Armenia.
                                                                          What do you have to offer?                               Celebrate our Centenary with us
                                   What  are  you  planning  to  do  for  all  these  There  are  several  spheres  which  are  rapidly
                                   refugees?                              growing. First of all, it’s high-tech and related
                                   To  address  the  short-term  issues,  we  are  services. The government is investing a lot in
                                   integrating them into our healthcare system,  infrastructure  development,  and  sometimes
                                   education  system,  and  pension  system.  So,  there  are  not  enough  local  companies  to
                                   they are entitled to all the social services and  work in this field. So, it might be interesting   LA GRANDE BOISSIÈRE                 LA CHÂTAIGNERAIE                 CAMPUS DES NATIONS
                                   benefits. Also, the government provides them  for  international  ones  to  come  and  work  in     ROUTE DE CHÊNE (GE)                      FOUNEX (VD)                  GRAND-SACONNEX (GE)
                                   with care support and subsidies for utilities and  Armenia as well.
                                   housing. Now we have also started designing
                                   mid-term  and  long-term  projects  for  them,  Also, we are working on energy, to increase
                                   right  now,  the  government  is  working  to  the portion of renewable energy in our energy
                                   address their housing needs, especially long-  menu.  We  have  high-quality  professionals
                                   term housing needs, but also to deal with the  who can work and be beneficial.

                                                                               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h

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