Page 13 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 13


                   United States, but the Azerbaijani side rejected   “The republic of Armenia remains
                   these offers. So far, they are reluctant. But we
                   believe we need to meet and we need to talk   committed to the political goal
                   if  we  want  to  finalize  the  text  of  the  peace
                   treaty the principles of which are accepted by   of normalizing relations with
                   Armenia, sometimes by Azerbaijan, but also
                   by the mediators and the parties more or less   its neighbours, Azerbaijan and
                   involved in the negotiation processes.

                   They are trying to support the establishment   Türkiye in particular.”
                   of peace and stability in our region. So, just
                   to reiterate: the Republic of Armenia remains
                   committed to the political goal of normalizing
                   relations with its neighbours, Azerbaijan and
                   Türkiye in particular.                 the opening of these lines of communications.
                                                          We  call  the  project  Crossroads  of  Peace,
                   Regarding the Armenia-Azerbaijan track, we  because we believe that economic cooperation
                   believe that we have at least a few indisputable  and  interdependence,  interconnectivity  in
                   principles.  The  first  is  that  each  other’s  the  region,  could  underpin  stability  in  our
                   territorial  integrity,  sovereignty,  must  be  region.  And  with  this,  we  want  to  relaunch
                   recognized and respected without any further  and  reconstruct  communication  not  only
                   ambiguity, which means that we need a clear,  with Azerbaijan but also with Türkiye, which
                   mutually recognized border between Armenia  will be beneficial for all the countries of the
                   and Azerbaijan. For this, there are the Almaty  region.
                   Protocol  and  the  subsequent  declaration  of
                   1991,  signed  at  the  time  of  the  dissolution  It will immensely help to connect the Black Sea
                   of  USSR,  which  established  that  the  former  with the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean
                   Soviet republics would maintain the existing  Sea with the Caspian Sea and beyond, going
                   administrative  borders  between  them  as  to Central Asia and more to the east. Armenia
                   interstate borders.                    is very keen to implement this project.

                   We  want  to  settle  this  border  based  on  the  Of  course,  we  are  also  facing  humanitarian
                   Almaty  Declaration  and  conduct  a  further  issues due to the ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-
                   delimitation process based on the most recent  Karabakh.  There  are  more  than  105,000
                   maps, which, in fact, present the situation and  refugees who were forced into this situation
                   the exact border of the 1991.          in a just a couple of days. In addition to these
                                                          people,  there  are  26,000  Nagorno-Karabakh
                   Another principle for us is that the opening  Armenians  who  came  to  Armenia  after  the
                   of  communications  in  our  region  shall  be  2020  war.  The  government  of  Armenia  is
                   conducted  with  full  respect  to  sovereignty  trying  to  address  all  their  needs  and  assure
                   and  the  jurisdiction  of  the  states  where  this  their  rights.  And  in  this  regard,  the  legally
                   communication is happening. And this must  binding decision of the International Court of
                   be  based  on  the  principles  of  equality  and  Justice of November 2017 is very important.
                   reciprocity, for we have concerns that Azerbaijan
                   is raising claims for an extraterritorial border,  I’ve heard that you withdrew your candidature
                   which is totally unacceptable for us.  for the COP 28 in order to support Azerbaijan’s
                                                          candidature.  Isn’t  that  a  very  good  step
                   Being  a  landlocked  country,  we  are  very  forward as a gesture of good will?
                   interested  in  opening  up  communications.  This was part of the agreement on the release
                   That’s why we took a step further. The Prime  of detainees and prisoners of war. It’s a positive
                   Minister of Armenia and the government of  sign,  at  the  least.  It’s  a  confidence-building
                   Armenia introduced our vision, how we see  measure.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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