Page 12 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 12


                  Interview with H. e. Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia

                  Vahan Kostanyan

                                   The  Human  Rights  75  High-Level  Event  I  read  that  there  are  quite  a  few  interesting
                                   in  Geneva  at  the  end  of  last  year  drew  an  things  going  on  right  now  in  the  conflict
                                   impressive  gathering  dignitary,  and  one  of  between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Could you
                                   them  travelling  all  the  way  to  Geneva  for  it  tell us a little bit more about it?
                                   was the young and dynamic Deputy Foreign  Well,  at  the  same  time,  they’re  both  going
                                   Minister of Armenia. At the age of 30, he has  on  and  not  going  on.  We  just  had  a  good
                                   already  acquired  substantial  international  humanitarian  step  forward,  which  looks
                                   experience. Let us briefly mention: he started  promising. As a sign of goodwill, the Armenian
                                   his  career  as  Assistant  to  the  Deputy  of  the  side released two Azerbaijani soldiers detained
                                   National  Assembly  of  Armenia,  from  where  in Armenia, and the Azerbaijani side released
                                   he became the head of the First Deputy Prime  32 of our detainees. Unfortunately, there are
                                   Minister’s Office of Armenia. devoted to his job,  still 23 remaining in custody in Azerbaijan.
                                   he represents the new faces of the Armenian
                                   political class and diplomatic service. We had  We  believe  that  it  was  a  good  confidence-
                                   a chance to meet him in Geneva.        building measure between the two sides that
                                                                          can  help  the  negotiation  process  in  general.
                                   Mr Deputy Foreign Minister, could you tell us  It  also  should  be  highlighted  that,  while
                                   a little bit about yourself and your work?  confidence-building measures can help, they
                                   I’ve  been  in  this  in  this  post  since  January  cannot replace real negotiations. There were
                                   2023. I’m in charge of neighbouring countries  a  couple  of  attempts  to  reconvene  the  two
                                   and  the  Middle  East.  This  involves  the  sides  for  negotiations,  both  on  the  leaders’
                                   normalization processes with both Azerbaijan  level and on the ministerial level. There were
                                   and Türkiye.                           efforts by the European Union as well as the

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