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intellectual property Conference in iraq
Interview with
Professor Dr Alaa Al-Alaq
Director General of the Department of Cultural relations
I have presented many seminars and
conferences on the topic of Intellectual
Property Protection. I am a writer and author
on Intellectual Property issues in Iraq, with
over twenty publications in Intellectual
Property Law.
I have been representing my country, Iraq, in
the World Intellectual Property Organiza-
tion, “WIPO”, a United Nations agency in
Geneva, since 2008. In 2019, I established the
National Center for Copyright Protection and
Related Rights in the Ministry of Culture, and
then I organized an International Conference
What comes to mind when you think of Iraq? on Intellectual Property in 2010-2011.
We do not often hear about the positive news
from Iraq, and yet there are so many positive You just organized another huge international
things happening there. The “New Iraq” is in conference in Baghdad, thus putting your
the making some might say. One of the persons country back on the international scene. What
contributing to this is Professor Dr Alaa Al-Alaq, is the outcome of the conference, and are you
Director General of the Department of Cultural satisfied with it?
Relations whom we had a chance to meet lately. One of the greatest achievements we have
He is a nice and friendly man who took of his made in this conference is the dissemination
precisous time to answer all our questions, so of our message to the entire world, which
now we will leave the floor to him. is that Iraq is a country still pulsating with
giving, richness, and creativity, and that its
You are in charge of the intellectual property people, who are law enthusiasts, preserve
agency in Iraq. Could you please tell us a little their heritage, culture, and the rights of their
about your background? creators. Therefore, they always strive for
I am Professor Dr. Alaa Abo Al Hassan Al international recognition through creativity,
Alaak, Director General of the Department catching up with the experiences of other
of Cultural Relations in the Republic of Iraq. nations, and benefiting from their experiences
I hold a Ph.D. in the History of International to revitalize sustainable development and
Relations, a Bachelor’s degree in Law, and a intellectual property projects. Ideas come from
diploma in Intellectual Property Law from lovers of Iraq and its civilization, from friends
India, Hyderabad. who participated in this conference and left
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h