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                   the ITC in Ulaanbaatar this year, where she  the innovation prize in 2011», she says. Subsequently the
                   has found some networking opportunities for  government decided to switch to LED lighting.
                   her company Zuzu.
                                                          Some  years  later,  when  there  was  an  opportunity  for
                   She founded the company for the production of  constructing  micro-hydropower  plants  Ms.  Sekamana
                   cashmere garment together with her husband  responded  to  the  call  for  tenders.  And  she  won  two
                   in 2013. They are selling their products under  projects for hydropower plants. «Energy is the backbone
                   their brand name Dulaan. Before, both of them  of development,» she says. Today, the one in Kigasa in the
                   used to work for the Gobi Corporation, a big  North of the country is working, while the other one in the
                   manufacturer specialing in cashmere products,  South West in Ngororero isn’t yet connected to the national
                   her  husband  as  a  technology  engineer,  and  grid. The plants produce about 300 kWh. A small village in
                   she  as  a  sales  person.  «So,  when  we  started  Rwanda uses monthly between 30 to 50 kWh. Usually the
                   our  company,  we  already  had  more  than  20  housholds don’t have refrigerators or TV.
                   years  of  experience  in  producing  cashmere
                   garments», she says. «An advantage was also,  The importance of quality
                   that we have a combination of complementary  «I was insisting on quality», Ms. Sekamana says who has a
                   knowledge.» They are working with Japanese  commercial diploma and worked in France for a business
                   and  German  knitting  machines  and  have  bank.  «And  I’m  persistant,  I  don’t  give  up  once  I  have
                   also 6 employees, plus women doing mainly  started», she is adding with regard to her success. She had
                   handmade  work  at  home  like  buttonholes,  asked a Swiss company to make the feasibility study. «A study
                   handworks at end garments.             might seem expensive, but it can save you money later», she
                                                          explains.  It had been for the first time that Rwanda issued a
                   Today,  Erdene  Naidan  and  her  husband  are  call for tenders for independent energy producers. So there
                   selling  garments  to  different  countries,  to  wasn’t yet this expertise in the country.
                   China  and  Russia,  the  two  neighbouring
                   countries of Mongolia, but also to European  This Swiss company, Stucky in Renens at the lake of Geneva,
                   countries like Germany, Sweden, and Belgium  also called for bids for the equipment. And Ms. Sekamana
                   under  contract  OEM  (Original  Equipment  signed  a  tripartite  contract  with  Stucky  and  a  French
                   Manufacturing).  They  let  transport  their  equipment manufacturer. She also signed an agreement to
                   garments by air cargo. Sometimes, when Gobi  ask the manufacturer of the mechanical part, the turbine, to
                   and other big companies have a work overload,  supply the electrical part too. «In case a problem occured,
                   Erdene  Naidan’s  company  is  acting  as  a  I didn’t want to hear ‘it’s not me, it’s the electrical part’ or
                   subcontractor. For her own company, Erdene  ‘it’s not me, it’s the mechanical part’, she explains. For this
                   Naidan  has  found  clients,  for  example,  with  reason she wanted one single company to be responsible
                   the support of Mongolians living in European  for both.
                   countries,  and  she  also  made  successully
                   campaigns by online advertisement.     In addition, Ms. Sekamana has concluded a maintenance
                                                          contract  with  a  Portuguese  company  in  Rwanda  that  is
                   Energy for Development                 building  the  new  international  airport  of  Kigali.  And
                   One  of  the  panelists  at  the  WEDF  in  the  French  company  HPP  (Hydro  Power  Plant)  trained
                   Ulaanbaatar  was  Therese  Sekamana.  She  is  the teams. «If you invest in quality from the outset, you
                   the  founder  and  CEO  of  LED  Solutions  &  know from the start that you are building for many years,
                   Green  Energy  Rwanda.  And  she  is  also  the  in  general,  power  stations  are  built  for  life.»  Quality  is
                   Chairperson of the Private Sector Federation  expensive,  she  adds.  But  if  there  is  a  natural  disaster,  it
                   Specialized  Cluster,  the  host  institution  of  pays  off.  «I›ve  never  had  any  problems  with  my  project,
                   the  SheTrades  Rwanda  hub.  Ms.  Sekamana  the  Plant  or  the  power  station,  not  even  last  May,  when
                   has  been  part  of  the  French  diaspora  and  we had heavy rains that affected a lot of infrastructure and
                   was looking for an activity to help rebuilding  also human lives», Ms. Sekamana highlights. Her company
                   her  country  after  the  genocide.  In  2010  she  Green Energy Rwanda has today two 25 years PPAs (Power
                   founded  her  company.  «I  was  the  first  one  Purchase  Agreements)  with  the  Government  of  Rwanda
                   to bring LED lamps to Rwanda, where I won  for the two hydropower plants.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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