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                  explain how to do business                                     By Annegret Mathari

                                   The  International  Trade  Centre  (ITC)  has  in  the  country,  but  they’re  constrained  by
                                   created in Ulaanbaatar its 14th SheTrades hub  challenges  related  to  ownership  rights,
                                   to support women’s role in business and trade.  financing and equal pay,» said Pamela Coke-
                                   Two Women entrepreneurs, one Mongolian,  Hamilton,  ITC  Executive  Director.  «With
                                   the other Rwandan, explain their business.  the opening of the SheTrades Mongolia Hub,
                                                                          we  look  forward  to  building  on  our  global
                                   Over 600 business people, policymakers and  network of public and private sector partners,
                                   development  experts  from  more  than  60  so Mongolian women can play a stronger role
                                   countries have participated end of June at the  in international trade.»
                                   World Export Development Forum (WEDF)
                                   in  Ulaanbaatar  to  talk  trade,  do  business,  The  SheTrades  initiative  at  the  ITC has
                                   and  drive  development.  The  conference  was  changed the economic lives of three million
                                   organized by the Geneva based International  women in 30 countries by connecting them to
                                   Trade Centre (ITC) and the Government of  markets. With Mongolia ITC has opened so
                                   Mongolia. A Forum highlight was the launch  far 14 regional hubs across Africa, Asia, South
                                   of the SheTrades Mongolia hub, which joined  America,  the  Caribbean  and  Europe,  and  it
                                   the International Trade Centre’s global network  will continue to grow.
                                   to support women entrepreneurs.  ITC is the
                                   joint agency of the World Trade Organization  Erdene Naidan from Mongolia and Therese
                                   and the United Nations. It is a development  Sekamana present their business to Diva and
                                   partner  for  small  business  export  success.  international Diplomat.
                                   Women entrepreneurs in Mongolia are set to
                                   play a bigger role in the country’s economic  Production of cashmere garment
                                   growth and efforts to diversify trade.  Erdene  Naidan  is  one  of  the  Mongolian
                                                                          women  entrepreneurs.  She  has  participated
                                   «Mongolian women are highly educated and  for  the  first  time  in  the  World  Export
                                   own more than two-thirds of small businesses  Development  Forum  (WEDF)  organised  by

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