Page 31 - DIVA_1_2024
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                   Jalaleddin Balkhi,   Mahmud   Pahlavon,
                   Naqshbandi,  Abdul  Rahman  Jami,  Alisher
                   Navoi  and  others.  Makhtumkuli  took  a
                   special interest in the teachings and thoughts
                   of  famous  philosophers,  such  as  Plato  and
                   Galen. Studying them, he gave philosophical
                   meaning to his poems as well.

                   His works cover all issues related to the life
                   of  Turkmens  of  that  period.  Makhtumkuli’s
                   poems  gather  all  Turkmens  around  the
                   table and illustrate the concept of unity and
                   integrity. And this is one of the main reasons
                   that  the  works  of  Makhtumkuli  Fraghi  are  are  law.  In  this  regard,  the  correct  meaning
                   very  valuable  and  occupy  a  special  place  in  of legal rules cannot be understood without
                   the hearts of Turkmens. Makhtumkuli was a  considering  social  customs.  This  theme  was
                   poet capable of expressing pain, suffering and  also  privately  reflected  in  the  poet’s  poems.
                   sorrow. His elder brother Abdullah was part  Makhtumkuli Fraghi was a poet who worked
                   of an embassy to the powerful ruler Ahmed  tirelessly to solve social problems. He was a
                   Shah with a call for unity and solidarity, but  defender of the oppressed. In Makhtumkuli’s
                   unfortunately, he lost on the way. The untimely  poems, wise words and proverbs follow each
                   death of his brother was another tragedy for  other  like  shining  pearls.  He  is  a  convinced
                   Makhtumkuli. Later he would reflect this pain  mystic and public figure who sees his mission
                   in his poems:                          in  enlightening  the  people  for  the  unity
                                                          and  integrity  of  his  nation,  fighting  against
                          Nine years we’ve been apart     oppressors.
                              from you, brother;
                            Where have you found          Among  other  high  concepts  reflected  in
                         your homeland, my Abdullah?      Makhtumkuli’s poems are attention to moral
                        There’s no turning back for you;  virtues,  altruism,  sorrow  and  practical
                       Where have you found your home,    wisdom,  which  turned  the  works  of  this
                                my Abdullah?              famous poet and mystic into a treasury of the
                                                          nation. He succeeded in expressing the social
                   The  philosophy  of  law  in  Makhtumkuli’s  problems of his time in the beautiful language
                   poems  is  based  on  the  logic  of  methods,  of poetry, and these popular poems were the
                   the  way  of  analysing  and  interpreting  legal  reason for his permanence and immortality in
                   principles  and  requirements  such  as  justice,  the public mind.
                   righteousness, the concepts of oppressor and
                   oppressed, right and wrong, the order of war  Another  feature  of  Makhtumkuli  Fraghi’s
                   and peace, etc.                        poems  is  their  simplicity  and  easy  of
                                                          understanding, i.e. the absence of terms and
                   Makhtumkuli and his father Dovletmammet  words from other languages. Throughout his
                   Azadi  were  fluent  in  jurisprudence,  its  life, as a poet and mystic, he gave his whole
                   analysis and interpretation. At that time, they  soul  to  his  people  and  homeland,  speaking
                   had  a  prominent  voice  in  the  field  of  high  about the realities of his time with people like
                   thoughts  of  justice,  considering  the  mass  him.
                   culture  and  customs  of  the  people.  Every
                   nation  is  ruled  by  customs  and  traditions  Today, more than ever, society needs individuals
                   that have a great influence on ensuring social  who  live  high  thoughts  of  peace,  unity  and
                   order and peace: respect for elders, kindness  empathy.  Marking  the  birth  anniversary  of
                   to children and dozens of others. In Eastern  this great poet, we are essentially pay tribute
                   culture, customs, traditions and foundations  to the values of peace and unity.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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