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                                            online learning tools. Among them  supporter of the American University
                                             are the Armenian Virtual College  of Armenia (AUA), which educates
                                             (AVC), e-books, WebTalks and other  more than 1,800 students annually,
                                             educational apps developed for both  and funds three Children's
                                             children and adults. In addition,
                                             each year AGBU provides hundreds  Hye Geen Pregnant Women's Cent-
                                             of scholarships to graduate and un-  ers, which have helped deliver more
                                             dergraduate students across multiple  than 2,000 healthy babies, as well
                                             disciplines.                      as three Senior Dining Centers that
                                                                               provide daily meals to more than 600
                                             Central to many of AGBU's activi-  retirees.
                                             ties is its commitment to serving the
               AGB                           youth and young adults. Through its  In 2016, AGBU Armenia broadened
                                                                                the scope of its operations. In cooper-
                                             growing network of Young Profes-
               ARMENIAN GENERAL BENEVOLENT UNION   sionals (YPs), AGBU brings together  ation with the European Union Del-
                                             emerging leaders from almost every  egation in Armenia and the Eurasia
          The Armenian General Benevolent  profession. With an active presence  Partnership Foundation, AGBU runs
          Union (AGBU) is the world's largest  in 33 cities, AGBU YPs serve their  a program to strengthen local civil
          non-profit organization dedicated to  local communities and collaborate  society organizations and deepen
          strengthening the global Armenian  globally to exchange ideas and sup-  their knowledge by tapping into the
          nation. Headquartered in New York  port meaningful programs that help  expertise of diasporan Armenians.
          City, with offices in Yerevan, Los  preserve the Armenian culture and
          Angeles, Paris, and Beirut, AGBU is  heritage. To help develop profession-  AGBU also remains committed to
          actively engaged in humanitarian,  al skills and bring Armenian college  providing programs and opportuni-
          educational, cultural, youth and so-  students together, AGBU provides  ties in the Republic of Artsakh where
          cio-economic development programs  leadership programs and internships  it sponsors the National Chamber
          in 74 cities spanning 31 countries.   in New York, London, Paris, Yerevan  Orchestra and TUMOxAGBU in
                                             and Buenos Aires. AGBU also invests  Stepanakert, a creative digital media
          Founded in 1906, AGBU has been  in the youth by running camps, scout-  learning center that offers free cours-
          the bedrock for the Armenian com-  ing and community service programs  es to children and young adults.
          munity, with the resources, trust and  designed to enrich life skills.
          goodwill to serve Armenians globally.                                 AGBU continues to expand and
          Today, through the vision of its lead-  Another AGBU pillar is highlight-  evolve its programs to meet the in-
          ership and the generous support of  ing the Armenians' rich culture by  creasing and constantly-changing
          its donors, volunteers and members,  encouraging young artists and sup-  needs of the global Armenian nation.
          AGBU positively impacts the lives of  porting programs in the perform-  Strong communication with its tens
          500,000 people annually in Armenia,  ing arts. AGBU's Musical Armenia  of thousands of volunteers and sup-
          Artsakh and the diaspora.          program brings together musicians  porters around the world is critical,
                                             from around the world to explore the  which it does through regular elec-
          From its earliest days, AGBU has  musical traditions of Armenia. Other  tronic communications, social me-
          always responded to humanitarian  programs include the Sayat Nova In-  dia engagement and publications in
          crises brought on by natural disasters  ternational Composition Competi-  five languages. Among them are The
          and conflict, reflecting its longstand-  tion and the AGBU Performing Art-  AGBU News Magazine, which with a
          ing commitment to providing hu-    ists in Concert, an annual event that  circulation of 65000, covers current
          manitarian aid to those affected both  showcases artist that have trained at  affairs and provides a comprehen-
          directly and indirectly. Most recently,  prestigious institutions with the sup-  sive overview of AGBU's latest news,
          AGBU's focus is on delivering help to  port of the AGBU scholarships.   and The Insider Magazine, which
          our vulnerable populations in Syria,                                  features compelling stories about
          Iraq and Artsakh.                  With activities across the globe, a  AGBU alumni who are in leadership
                                             significant portion are held in Arme-  positions and making a difference in
          Education is another core pillar of  nia. There, AGBU Armenia operates  various professional fields.
          AGBU. In addition to operating 24  humanitarian, educational, medical
          schools, including day, Saturday and  and youth programs, and organizes  For more information about AGBU,
          summer programs, AGBU is estab-    a broad range of cultural and social  please visit
          lishing itself as a leader in providing  events. In addition, AGBU is a strong

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