Page 13 - DIVA_1_2018
P. 13
t of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AG13
He is a busy man, Mr. Setrakian! Not only is he a busy ties that cannot not be foreseen. Some may call it destiny.
practicing international lawyer, but he is also the President In Lebanon, in 1976, there was a terrible civil war going
of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the on. At that time there was a kind of fashion among some
biggest and most important association for the world's of the belligerents to kidnap people either for money or
Armenian community, a position he has held for more for political reasons. I myself had been kidnapped for and
than 15 years. Today, AGBU's spread is worldwide. had managed to get out of captivity. Given that my wife
We recently had a chance to meet with Berge Setrakian had family in New York, we decided to go on a two-week
and learn more about him, AGBU and the work they car- "relief trip" to visit the US. While here I met a gentleman
ry out around the world. These days, when most people who is a famous and well-respected lawyer in New York,
are so self-centered, concerned with their own well-be- who asked me whether we could work together in his
ing and making the most money, it's a pleasant change firm where he was a partner. I said yes, on a temporary
to meet a person who cares, who extends a hand to help basis. It was just going to be a temporary collaboration,
others - and all based upon volunteer work. Now we will so I arranged to stay on for a while. In life, there is only
leave the floor to Mr. Berge... the provisional that lasts, and so it is now 43 years that
we have lived here.
Q: You are a French-educated Lebanese-Armenian
by birth. How did you end up in the US? I am French-educated, and it is true that if I had really
Sometimes, there are events in life that bring opportuni- thought of leaving Lebanon, it would have seemed obvi-