Page 11 - DIVA_1_2018
P. 11


          One of them is in the Philippines, the  but it was under our chair-
          ASEAN Biodiversity Centre. And  manship that we brought the
          sixthly, we want to be able to get our  ASEAN Charter all together
          collective point of view across, so we  and then we passed it to the
          make statements in the UN, we take  next chair, Singapore, to be
          common positions, coordinate on  signed. One of our priorities
          policy, so on and so forth. So those  is maritime cooperation and
          are the six areas.                 we have established guidelines
                                             for a hotline communication
          Q: What are the recent achievements  between ASEAN Member
          so far under the Philippines' chair-  States, covering the maritime
          manship?                           area, and China. As you know,
          Well, the way to approach that ques-  there have been well-reported
          tion is to understand what ASEAN  problems, and this is one way
          has become. I said it has become a  to manage this kind of dif-
          very successful organization since  ference. Another area is the
          it was first founded in the mid-60s.  declaration on the role of the
          Colonization had divided the region,  civil service, as a catalyst for
          separating countries for many years.   achieving the ASEAN com-
          In olden times, before the arrival of  munity vision. In our coun-
          western colonialism, there were all  tries, the civil service is a very
          kinds of natural links, but these were  important pillar of national
          all cut during the era of colonization.  governments. ASEAN has
          So, after the struggles for national  been for many years the ful-
          independence and the internal insur-  crum of stability in the region.
          gencies, the countries of the region  It emerged at a time when
          found a way to come together despite  there was great power rivalry.
          all the difficulties they had. And this  Many people called Southeast Asia  will discuss priority issues on how
          is the great secret of ASEAN, the abil-  the "cockpit of the nations' sort of  to combat terrorism and violent ex-
          ity to come together and sit around  like the Asian equivalent of what the  tremism, promote development and
          the table despite all the differences  Balkans were in Europe. But, ASEAN  reinforce the institutions of ASEAN.
          that divided them. And so, on this  formed and seized its own destiny
          basis, we have progressed along three  to become a fulcrum of peace and,  In addition, there is a committee here
          main areas. The first is developing  over time, ASEAN has elaborated a  in Geneva of the ASEAN missions to
          an ASEAN political security com-   machinery so that all the competing  the UN and the WTO and we have
          munity, which addresses the security  powers can dialogue with us, creating  been organizing activities here to
          questions, borders and so forth. The  a broader scope for multilateralism.   promote ASEAN. A couple of months
          second one is the ASEAN Economic                                      ago, we held an ASEAN Film Festival
          Community or AEC, which is that  Q: What activities/events will be held  at the Palais des Nations. Last 12 and
          part of ASEAN that is best known,  during the second half of the year?   13 September, we organized ASEAN
          because of the way we have been  We have organized commemorative  Secretary-General Le Luong Minh's
          progressing, the size of our popula-  activities to mark the 50"   anniver-  visit here in Geneva where he graced
          tion, and our weight in international  sary of ASEAN to also talk about our  our ASEAN@50 Photo Exhibit at the
          trade. The third area is the socio- cul-  achievements. We are also moving  Palais des Nations. He addressed the
          tural community. This was the di-  towards a completion of what we call  UN and the diplomatic community
          mension that was initially pioneered  the framework for the code of con-  as well as the academe/think thanks
          by the Philippines. We did it when we  duct for the South China Sea between  in various fora/sessions.
          last chaired ASEAN in 2007, and we  ASEAN Member States and China
          brought the region to focus on things  aimed at improving understanding  Q: Mr. Ambassador, could you tell us
          like vulnerable sectors, poverty, edu-  and to avoid future mishaps. We had  a bit about yourself.
          cation, women and children, and  a successful annual foreign minis-   Well, I am a professional diplomat,
          youth empowerment, and we shep-    ters' meeting last August and we are  which is not necessarily a good thing
          herded all of this into the ASEAN  preparing for the summit meeting  in some places. Some people have a
          Charter, which was only recently  of the leaders, which will be held in  very jaded view about what we do.
          concluded. It started many years ago,  November in the Philippines. They  But basically, I studied foreign rela-

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